Peer-reviewed publications
Zonneveld, A., & Loos, E. F. (2015). Silver gaming: Ter leering ende vermaeck? Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 46(3), 152–159.
Zafrani, O., & Nimrod, G. (2019). Towards a holistic approach to studying human-robot interaction in later life. The Gerontologist, 59(1), e26–e36.
Wong, C. Y., Khong, C. W., & Thwaites, H. (2010). **Mobile user interface for seniors: An impact of ageing population on mobile design. Design Principles & Practice: An International Journal, 4(4), 231–249.
Wong, C. Y., Ibrahim, R., Hamid, T. A., & Mansor, E. I. (2018). Mismatch between older adults’ expectation and smartphone user interface. Malaysian Journal of Computing, 3(2), 138–153.
Wong, C. Y., Ibrahim, R., Hamid, T. A., & Mansor, E. I. (2018). Usability and design issues of smartphone user interface and mobile apps for older adults. In N. Abdullah, W. A. Wan Adnan, & M. Foth (Eds.), User science and engineering: 5th International Conference, i-USEr 2018, Puchong, Malaysia, August 28–30, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 93–104). Springer.
Wong, C. Y. (2011). **Exploring the relationship between mobile phone and senior citizens: A Malaysian perspective. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI), 2(2), 65–77.
Willmott, A. (2018). The ageing experience of women in the UK who identified with punk cultures. Postgraduate Journal of Women, Ageing and Media (PGWAM), 4, 96–104.
Vincent, J., & Haddon, L. (2017). Smartphone cultures. Routledge.
Victor, C., Zubair, M., & Martin, W. (2018). Families and caring in South Asian communities. In A. Walker (Ed.), The new dynamics of ageing (Vol. 2, pp. 87–106). The Policy Press.
Van Pevenage, I., Freitas, Z., Marier, P., & Orzeck, P. (2018). Les familles abandonnent les personnes âgées ? In V. Billette, P. Marier, & A.-M. Séguin (Eds.), Les vieillissements sous la loupe: Entre mythes et réalités (pp. 241–248). Presses de l’Université Laval.
Valois-Nadeau, F. (2017). Rethinking heritagization through the digitization of familial archives: The case of Léo Gravelle’s website. Reset: Recherches En Sciences Sociales Sur Internet, 6.
Vale Costa, L., Veloso, A. I., & Loos, E. (2019). Age stereotyping in the game context: Introducing the game-ageism and age-gameism phenomena. In J. Zhou & G. Salvendy (Eds.), Human aspects of IT for the aged population: Social media, games and assistive environments (pp. 245–255). Springer.
Ursulesku, O. (forthcoming). Lica priče: Intermedijalno pripovedanje Pola Ostera. Mediterran.
Urresti, X. L., & Loos, E. (2015). Contemporary meanings and experiences of television in the digital age. International Journal of Digital Television, 6(1), 43–60.
Twigg, J., & Martin, W. (2015). The challenge of cultural gerontology. The Gerontologist, 55(3), 353–359.
Twigg, J., & Martin, W. (Eds.). (2015). Routledge handbook of cultural gerontology. Routledge.
Twigg, J., & Martin, W. (2015). The field of cultural gerontology: An introduction. In J. Twigg & W. Martin (Eds.), Routledge handbook of cultural gerontology (pp. 1–16). Routledge.
Trussell, Dawn E., Paterson, S., Hebblethwaite, S., Xing, T. M. K., & Evans, M. (2017). Negotiating the complexities and risks of an interdisciplinary research team. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16, 1–10.
Trussell, D. E., Hebblethwaite, S., Hodge, C., Shannon, C., & Sharaievska, I. (2017). *A panel on family leisure: Critical reflections on future scholarship. Proceedings of the 15th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, 306–307.
Trussell, D. E., Hebblethwaite, S., Paterson, S., Xing, T., & Evans, M. (2017). *Public policy and leisure for new mothers: An interdisciplinary research team approach. Proceedings of the Academy of Leisure Sciences Research Institute Conference, 80–81.
Sultana, B., Youngs-Zaleski, M., & Jiwani, Y. (2019). Transnational migration and digital memorialization. OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, Advance online publication.
Stončikaitė, L. (2015). *Sexually active ageing women: Liberated “docile bodies”? Postgraduate Journal of Women, Ageing and Media (PGWAM), 2, 104–112.
Stončikaitė, L. (2016). Erica Jong: From a youthful fear of flying to a more experienced landing in her late years. In N. Casado-Gual, E. Domínguez-Rué, & B. Worsfold (Eds.), Literary creativity and the older woman writer: A collection of critical essays (pp. 150–173). Peter Lang.
Stončikaitė, I. (2019). Critical approaches to ageing body politics in the works of Erica Jong. Societies, 9(2), 47.
Ștefăniță, O., & Ivan, L. (2018). Characteristics of the digital divide in Romania and differences in Internet use in comparison with Internet use in Europe. Journal of Media Research, 11(2(31)), 5–21.
Siibak, A., Vittadini, N., & Nimrod, G. (2014). Generations as media audiences: An introduction. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 11(2), 100–107.
Séguin, A.-M., Billette, V., & Marier, P. (2018). Les vieillissements sous la loupe: Regards sur des expériences diversifiées. In V. Billette, P. Marier, & A.-M. Séguin (Eds.), Les vieillissements sous la loupe: Entre mythes et réalités (pp. 7–14). Presses de l’Université Laval.
Schiau, I., Ivan, L., & Bîră, M. (2018). Involving older people in participatory action research: An example of participatory action design. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 20(1(43)), 11–24.
Sayago, S., Rosales, A., Righi, V., Ferreira, S. M., Coleman, G. W., & Blat, J. (2016). On the conceptualization, design, and evaluation of appealing, meaningful, and playable digital games for older people. Games and Culture, 11(1–2), 53–80.
Sayago, S., Righi, V., Ferreira, S. M., Rosales, A., & Blat, J. (2016). Tales of the map of my mobile life: Intergenerational computer-mediated communication between older people and fieldworkers in their early adulthood. In L. Murray & S. Robertson (Eds.), Intergenerational mobilities: Relationality, age and life course (pp. 68–78). Routledge.
Sayago, S., Rosales, A., Righi, V., Ferreira, S. M., Coleman, G. W., & Blat, J. (2019). Digital games and older people from a theoretical and conceptual perspective: A critical literature review. In B. B. Neves & F. Vetere (Eds.), Ageing and digital technology: Designing and evaluating emerging technologies for older adults (pp. 83–96). Springer.
Sayago, S., Neves, B. B., & Cowan, B. (2019). Voice assistants and older people: Some open issues. CUI’19: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 1–3.
Sayago, S. (Ed.). (2019). Perspectives on human-computer interaction research with older people. Springer.
Sawchuk, K., Trinkaus, E.-M., & Ursulesku, O. (Eds.). (2018). Transformation, transgressions, and trust. Leykam.
Sawchuk, K., Grenier, L., & Lafontaine, C. (2018). « C’est étonnant à votre âge! » ou le mythe du manque d’intérêt pour le numérique. In V. Billette, P. Marier, & A.-M. Séguin (Eds.), Le vieillissement sous la loupe: Entre mythes et réalités (pp. 43–52). Presses de l’Université Laval.
Sawchuk, K., & Moorhouse, A. (2016). At the edges of meaning: Aging, memory, and resonant listening. Modern Drama, 59(2), 177–192.
Sawchuk, K., & Lafontaine, C. (2015). Precarious ageing: Questioning access, creating interACTion. In P. D. da Silva & A. de M. Alves (Eds.), TEM 2015: Proceedings of the Technology & Emerging Media Track – Annual Conference of the Canadian Communication Association (Ottawa, June 3–5, 2015).
Sawchuk, K., & Crow, B. (2012). **"I’m G-mom on the phone": Remote grandmothering, cell phones and inter-generational dis/connections. Feminist Media Studies, 12(4), 496–505.
Sawchuk, K., & Crow, B. (2010). **Talking ‘costs’: Seniors, cell phones and the personal and political economies of telecommunications in Canada. Telecommunications Journal of Australia, 60(4), 55.1-55.11.
Sawchuk, K., & Crow, B. (2010). **Into the Grey Zone: Seniors, cell phones and milieus that matter. In B. Poppinga, C. Magnusson, W. Heuten, D. McGookin, N. Henze, G. B. Claasen, M. Pielot, H. Eftring, & J. Peters (Eds.), Observing the mobile user experience: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop. Held in Conjunction with NordiCHI (pp. 17–20). HaptiMap.
Sawchuk, K., & Crow, B. (2012). **Tactical restriction: Seniors and cell phones. In P. Vannini, L. Budd, O. Jensen, C. Fisker, & P. Jirón (Eds.), Technologies of Mobility in the Americas (pp. 157–174). Peter Lang.
Sawchuk, K., & Crow, B. (2014). Ageing mobile media. In G. Goggin & L. Hjorth (Eds.), Routledge companion to mobile media (pp. 249–276). Routledge.
Sawchuk, K. (2013). Tactical mediatization and activist ageing: Pressures, push-backs, and the story of RECAA. Mediekultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 29(54), 47–64.
Sawchuck, K., & Lafontaine, C. (2018). Activist ageing: The tactical theatrics of RECAA. In M. Chazan, M. Baldwin, & P. Evans (Eds.), Unsettling activisms: Critical interventions on aging, gender and social change (pp. 50–65). Women’s Press.
Santano, D., Thwaites, H., & Yahya, M. A. (2016). *The boatbuilders of Pangkor Island. In H. Thwaites, L. S. Lun, & A. Addison (Eds.), 2016 22nd International Conference on Virtual System & Multimedia (VSMM) (pp. 106–111). IEEE.
Sandberg, L. J., & Marshall, B. L. (2017). Queering aging futures. Societies, 7(3), 21.
Rosales, A., Sayago, S., & Blat, J. (2015). Older people as creators of casual knowledge games / Les aînés comme créateurs de jeux sur desconnaissances. In M. Romero (Ed.), Intergenerational learning, life narratives and games / Apprentissages intergénérationnels, narratives de vie et jeux: Proceedings of the Silver Gaming Intergenerational Summer School (pp. 30–34). Université Laval.
Rosales, A., Fernández-Ardèvol, M., Comunello, F., Mulargia, S., & Ferran-Ferrer, N. (2017). Older people and smartwatches, initial experiences. El Profesional de La Información, 26(3), 457–463.
Rosales, A., Fernández-Ardèvol, M., & Ferran-Ferrer, N. (2018). Long-term appropriation of smartwatches among a group of older people. In J. Zhou & G. Salvendy (Eds.), Human aspects of IT for the aged population: Acceptance, communication and participation (Vol. 10926, pp. 135–148). Springer.
Rosales, A., & Fernández-Ardèvol, M. (2016). Beyond WhatsApp: Older people and smartphones. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 18(1(37)), 27–47.
Non-peer reviewed publications
Durocher, M. (2016). Création de connections : Démystifier l’Internet grâce aux ateliers intergénérationnels (Constance Lafontaine et Myriam Lebel-Bernier). Pluriâges, 7(1), 39–41.
Fernández-Ardèvol, M. (2019, March 31). Práticas digitais móveis das pessoas idosas no Brasil: Dados e reflexões [Mobile digital practices of older people in Brazil: Data and reflections]. Panorama setorial da Internet, 11(1), 1–10.
Allain, K., & Marshall, B. L. (2017, September 14). Swept out of the house? Considering the toll of curling’s youthful turn. International Network for Critical Gerontology.
Lafontaine, C., Tremblay-Lamontagne, N., & Olszanowsk, M. (2018). Vidéo « Réflexions de personnes âgées sur l’austérité ». Pluriâges, 8(1), 8–10.
Lebel-Bernier, M., & McAskill, A. (2016, June 30). Fragment of life / Fragments de vie: Digital creativity opens new doors for intergenerational learning. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Besanger, K. (2017, May 3). Walking with locals. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Lafontaine, C., & McAskill, C. (2017, July 1). Notes on the Aging Graz 2017 ENAS & NANAS Conference. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Willmott, A. (2017, September 1). An update from WAM Summer School. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Marshall, B. L. (2017, October 1). Our Fitbits, our (aging)selves? Digital self-tracking and embodied aging. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Fernández-Ardèvol, M. (2017, November 10). Without the grandmas, there is no revolution. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Madden, D. (2017, December 1). Age/ing waves. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Besanger, K., & Lafontaine, C. (2018, January 1). ACT reimagines the city from the perspective of aging: A look back at Age 3.0. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Madden, D. (2018, February 1). Global learning at GUSEGG. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Dolan, J. (2018, March 1). Older women and the Oscars: Pay gaps, dress codes, and face lifts. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Besanger, K. (2018, April 2). “A genuine effort to engage older adults.” Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Taipale, S. (2018, July 1). Coding old age in social imaginaries. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Sawchuk, K., Lafontaine, C., & Besanger, K. (2018, August 1). CRTC opens inquiry into misleading or aggressive practices of telecommunication services providers. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Besanger, K. (2018, September 1). Creating spaces for dialogue and critical exploration at GUSEGG 2018. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Besanger, K. (2018, October 1). Expanding our understanding of activism(s) by sharing stories of older activists. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Sawchuk, K., Caines, A., Besanger, K., & Lafontaine, C. (2018, November 1). ACT attends CRTC public hearing on telecom sales practices. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
DeJong, S. (2019, January 1). Shirley Curry slays (dragons). Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Sultana, B. (2019, May 14). B/OLD: Aging in our city-Vieillir dans notre ville. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Tremblay, A. (2018, December 1). Beyond saris and stereotypes: Sharing a lifetime of experiences. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Järviluoma, H. (2013, August 6). Muisti ja liikkuvat pilvet. Kulttuurintutkimuksen seura ry.
Marier, P. (2013, Summer/Fall). Sweden’s pension system: Still a social model? Inroads Journal, 33.
Martin, W., & Pilcher, K. (2013). Photographing everyday life: Ageing, lived experiences, time and space. Generations Review, 23(4), 6.
Marier, P. (2014). *A Swedish Pension Reform in Norway? A critical analysis of policy diffusion. Les Cahiers Du CREGÉS, 2(36).
Thwaites, H. (2014). Mah Meri unmasked: Polysensory intermedia exhibition. Center for Creative Content and Digital Innovation.
Lafontaine, C. (2014, October 30). Murray Forman on age and hip-hop. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Charise, A. (2015). [Book review of Out of time: The pleasures and perils of aging, by L. Segal]. Age Culture Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2.
Romero, M., & Laferrière, T. (2015, December 4). Usages pédagogiques des TIC : De la consommation à la cocréation participative. Vitrine Technologie-Éducation (VTÉ).
Taylor, G., Middleton, C., & Goodrick, P. (2015, May 4). Getting communications policy out of the telephone booth. Policy Options.
Thwaites, H. M., Jehom, W. J., & Hashim, K. H. (2015). Textiles tales of pua kumbu: Intermedia exhibition. Centre for Creative Content and Digital Innovation.
Besanger, K. (2015, February 3). Jiayin Liang on qualitative research and the “one child policy” generation. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Besanger, K. (2015, March 3). Marlene Goldman and Larry Switzky on playing age. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
ACT project. (2015, April 7). Dr. Ros Jennings from WAM: How music, gender and ageing converge. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Gauthier, M., & Sawchuk, K. (2015, May 11). Perpetuating exclusion in Wikipedia: The case of WAM or the Centre for Women, Ageing and Media. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Leonard, K. (2016). Mobiliser les générations grâce aux loisirs : Opportunités et défis (Shannon Hebblethwaite). Pluriâges, 7(1), 24–26.
Ratzenböck, B. (2016). La bande sonore de la vie : Développer, implanter et soutenir des programmes personnalisés d’écoute de musique pour les personnes atteintes de pertes cognitives au stade mi-avancé (Laurel Young et Wendy Foster). Pluriâges, 7(1), 27–30.
Ratzenböck, B. (2016). Les tablettes numériques à la fine pointe des soins : Mettre en lumière les préoccupations des patients et des familles (Robin Cohen et Esther Mercedes Laforest). Pluriâges, 7(1), 42–47.
Vautrin-Nadeau, M.-È. (2016). Projection et présentation du film « Les mains au bout du fil » (Line Grenier et Véro Leduc). Pluriâges, 7(1), 49–50.
Marier, P. (2014). Les différentes trajectoires vers les revenus de retraite : Un examen des problèmes auxquels font face les femmes et les immigrants au Canada. Pluriâges, 5(1), 23–26.
Vautrin-Nadeau, M.-È. (2016). Participer au monde numérique : Entre marchandisation, partage et surveillance (Serge Proulx). Pluriâges, 7(1), 13–15.
Grenier, L. (2016). Éditorial. Pluriâges, 7(1), 4–9.
Marier, P., & Séguin, A.-M. (2018). Éditorial. Pluriâges, 8(1), 5–7.
Romero, M., Dumont, L., Daniel, S., Barma, S., Ferrer, M., & Hénaire, V. (2016). Jeux numériques et apprentissages. Éditions JFD.
Romero, M., & Loufane. (2016). ViBot le robot. Publications du Québec.
Romero, M., & Vallerand, V. (2016). Guide d’activités technocréatives pour les enfants du 21e siècle (Vol. 1). CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Nabi, S. (2016, February 29). Rewriting the story of aging. University of Toronto Scarborough.§id=1
Besanger, K. (2016, March 1). Bringing activism to the airwaves: Older women live goes live this month. Ageing + Communication + Technologies.
Reports, policy interventions and working papers
Marshall, B. L. (2017). A spotlight on: Digital self-tracking in older age. In C. Phoenix, B. Gough, N. Orr, J. Piggin, J. Thompson, C. Victor, B. Wheeler, & E. Tulle (Eds.), Physical activity in later life: Shining a spotlight on social context. Report from: “More of the same is not enough”: New directions in ageing and physical activity. (pp. 8–9). ESRC Seminar Series.
Jacobs, L., Sawchuk, K., & Crow, B. (2011). **Privacy rights mobilization among marginal groups in Canada: Fulfilling the mandate of PIPEDA. Research report prepared as part of the office of the privacy commissioner of Canada contributions program, 2010-2011 (pp. 1–92) [Research Report]. York Centre for Public Policy & Law. York University.
Fernández-Ardèvol, M. (2012). **Exploring the use of mobile communications in a sample of older people: Preliminary results of a case study in Los Angeles (pp. 1–26) [Working Paper]. IN3- Open University of Catalonia.
Marier, P. (2012). **Le vieillissement de la population et les politiques publiques: Enjeux d’ici et d’ailleurs [Collection Gouvernance et gestion publique]. Presses de l’Université Laval.
Blanche, D. (2012). **ICT facts on four countries 2012 first draft [A-C-M Network]. IN3- Open University of Catalonia.
Crow, B. (2012). **Southern Ontario panel on urbanization [Panel]. Strategic Innovation Lab at OCAD University.
Middleton, C., Shepherd, T., Shade, L. R., Sawchuk, K., & Crow, B. (2012). **Regarding the consultation on proceeding to establish a mandatory code for mobile wireless services: Telecom notice of consultation CRTC 2012-557, 11 October 2012 and CRTC 2012-557-1, 1 November 2012 [Intervention].
Blanche, D. (2012). **Zotero report: A brief review [A-C-M Network]. Mobile Communication, Economy and Society Research Programme, IN3 – Open University of Catalonia A-C-M Network.
Shepherd, T. (2013). *Review of recent literature and multimedia projects on ageing and communications media [A-C-M Report].
Dolan, J., & Tincknell, E. (2014). Women in news and current affairs broadcasting: Evidence volume (pp. 98–107). House of Lords.
Naim, S. (2016). *Older adults in social network services (SNS): Use patterns, benefits and risks [Unpublished Doctoral Thesis]. Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
Shepherd, T., & Middleton, C. (2016). *Intervention regarding telecom notice of consultation CRTC 2016-293: Review of the wireless code.
Stončikaitė, I., & Astier, C. (2016). *Report of the SIforAGE project’s event at the European parliament: Confronting the challenges of ageing through social innovation. SIforAGE.
Rajabiun, R., Ellis, D., & Middleton, C. (2016). Literature review: Affordability of communications services [Prepared for the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)].
Caballero, S. (2016). Internet, familia y hogares entre las mujeres mayores en Uruguay [Internet, family and elderly women in Uruguay]. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Sawchuck, K., Lafontaine, C., & Besanger, K. (2018). Older adults and the changing landscape of television and radio distribution in Canada. Intervention on The future of audio and video programming in Canada: What will come next? Phase II [CRTC Notice 2017-359]. Ageing, Communication, Technologies (ACT Project).
Sawchuck, K., Lagacé, M., Lafontaine, C., Besanger, K., & van de Beeck, L. (2017). Intervention on The future of audio and video programming in Canada: What will come next? Phase I [CRTC Notice 2017-359]. Ageing, Communication, Technologies (ACT Project).
Middleton, C. (2016). Follow up intervention regarding telecom notice of consultation CRTC 2015-134: Review of basic telecommunications services [Follow up intervention]. Ryerson University.
Sawchuk, K., Lafontaine, C., Besanger, K., Brek, N., & DeJong, S. (2018). Listen to vulnerable consumers: Systemic abuses in the Canadian telecommunication industry [Final submission for the Inquiry on use of misleading or aggressive sales practices by large telecommunications service providers (CRTC-2018-246)].
Sawchuk, K., Middleton, C., Lagacé, M., Lafontaine, C., Vanderbeek, E., & DeJong, S. (2019). Meeting the needs of all Canadians: Older adults, affordability and mobile, wireless services [Preliminary intervention (CRTC-2019-57) “Review of mobile wireless services”]. Ageing, Communication, Technologies (ACT).
Sawchuk, K., Middleton, C., Lafontaine, C., DeJong, S., & Vanderbeek, E. (2019). Fair sales practices and affordable services: The cell phone needs of Canadian seniors [Submitted to the government of British Columbia: “Cell phone billing transparency” study]. Ageing, Communication, Technologies (ACT).
Middleton, C. (2015). Intervention regarding telecom notice of consultation CRTC 2015-134 and CRTC 2015-134-1: Review of basic telecommunications services [Intervention Number 311]. Ryerson University.
Aubin, G., Beausoleil, J., Brotman, S., Couture, M., Gilbert, N., Marier, P., Negron-Poblete, P., Orzeck, P., Séguin, A.-M., van Pevenage, I., & Wallach, I. (2017). Vieillir et vivre ensemble : Mémoire dans le cadre de la consultation sur les travaux d’élaboration du Plan d’action Vieillir et Vivre Ensemble 2018-2023. Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale (CREGÉS)-Équipe de recherche Vieillissements, Exclusions et Solidarité (VIES).
The National Union of Journalists, Women, Ageing and Media, Women in Journalism, & New Dynamics of Ageing (NDA) Research Programme. (2013). Charter against ageism and sexism in the media. New Dynamics of Ageing.
Jacobetty, P., & Fernández-Ardèvol, M. (2017). Older audiences and digital media: Spain, 2016. Preliminary results. IN3-Open University of Catalonia.
Higgs, P., & Gilleard, C. (2015). Key social and cultural drivers of changes affecting trends in attitudes and behaviour throughout the ageing process and what they mean for policy making [Research and analysis]. Government Office for Science.
Blanche, D. (2015). Statistical summary on ageing and ICTs. Ageing, Communication, Technologies (ACT).
Sawchuk, K., Lafontaine, C., & Besanger, K. (2018). Experiences of older adults with abusive sales practices of Canadian telecommunication providers [Intervention for the Inquiry on use of misleading or aggressive sales practices by large telecommunications service providers (CRTC-2018-246)]. Ageing, Communication, Technologies (ACT).
Puxty, J., Rosenberg, M. W., Carver, L. F., & Crow, B. (2019). Report on housing needs of seniors. Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors.
Carver, L. F., Crow, B., Rosenberg, M. W., & Puxty, J. (2019). Core community supports to age in community. Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors.
Loos, E., Nimrod, G., & Fernández-Ardèvol, M. (Eds.). (2018). Older audiences in the digital media environment: A cross-national longitudinal study. Wave 1 Report 1.0. ACT Project.
Twigg, J., & Martin, W. (2015, September). Julia Twigg and Wendy Martin (Editors) introduce the Routledge handbook of cultural gerontology. British Society of Gerontology.
Thwaites, H. (2014). *Mah meri unmasked [Polysensory intermedia exhibition]. Centre for Creative Content and Digital Innovation.
Thwaites, H. (2015). *Textile tales of pua kumbu [Polysensory intermedia exhibition]. Centre for Creative Content and Digital Innovation.
Sawchuk, K., Fleming, A., Besanger, K., Kelley, R., Craven, E., & Symansky, B. (2012). **MemorySpace: Private memories, public histories [Art installation]. Atwater Library and Computer Centre, Montreal, Quebec.
Rosales, A. (2019, July 14). La influencia de la inteligencia artificial en la discriminación de las personas mayores [Video file]. YouTube.
Rosales, A. (2019, October 24). Ageism in intelligent systems [Video file]. YouTube.
Romero, M., & Loufane. (2016, February 1). Vibot le robot [Website]. Vibot le robot.
RECAA, Guérin, S., Sawchuk, K., & ACM Network. (2012). **Montreal: Ressources ethnoculturelles contre l’abus envers les aîné/es [Short documentary film].
Olszanowski, M., RECAA, & Ageing + Communication + Technologies. (2017). Aging (wo)men and their world: Nuit blanche [Art installation].
Martin, W., & Pilcher, K. (2014). Photographing everyday life: A photographic exhibition.
Maierhofer, R., Mezihorak, P., & Ratzenböck, B. (2017). Graz International Summer School Seggau.
Maierhofer, R., Mezihorak, P., & Ratzenböck, B. (2015). GUSEGG: Clip Seminar “Aging and the life course” – Week 1 [Short film]. YouTube.
Maierhofer, R., Mezihorak, P., & Ratzenböck, B. (2016). Shifting perspectives [Short documentary film].
Järviluoma, H., Mikkola, J., & Uimonen, H. (2013, 2016). Evening of sounds [Radio broadcast]. In Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE Radio Suomi.
Järviluom, H., & Vikman, N. (2015). Korvinkuultava hiljaisuus [Radio feature]. In Reklamointia melusta [The audible silence].
Haig, T. (2019, May 13). Finding ways to help seniors help themselves and the rest of us. In Radio Canada International.
Guppy, S., & Olszanowski, M. (2015). *NDG senior citizen’s centre celebrates 40 years [Video].
Guérin, S. (2013). Un jour ou l’autre (bande-annonce) [Short documentary film].
Guérin, S. (2012). **Odélie [Short documentary film].
Grenier, L., & Leduc, V. (2015). Fingers on the line (25 minutes version) [Short documentary film]. YouTube.
Grenier, L., & Leduc, V. (2015). Fingers on the line (10 minutes version) [Short documentary film]. YouTube.
Grenier, L., & Leduc, V. (2015). Les mains au bout du fil (version 25 minutes) [Short documentary film]. YouTube.
Grenier, L., & Leduc, V. (2015). Les mains au bout du fil (version 10 minutes) [Short documentary film]. YouTube.
Grenier, L., & Leduc, V. (2015). Communication technologies of yesterday and today: Reflections of Deaf seniors [Short documentary film]. YouTube.
Grenier, L., & Leduc, V. (2015). Technologies de communication d’hier et d’aujourd’hui : Réflexions d’aîné-es Sourd-es [Short documentary film]. YouTube.
Goldman, M., & McKee, P. (2017). Piano lessons [Short film].
Goldman, M., & McKee, P. (2019). Torching the dusties [Short film].
Esseghaier, M. (2017). Madhu’s saris [Short documentary film]. Ageing + Communication + Technologies (ACT).
Cucinelli, G., Sawchuk, K., Mancuso, D., Mancuso, V., & Lamberti, E. (2015). *On ice [Web-based interactive documentary]. On Ice.
Cucinelli, G., & Sawchuk, K. (2015). AdressKnown/AdresseConnue [Web-based interactive documentary]. AdressKnown/AdresseConnue.
Cucinelli, G. (2015). *YMX: The Mirabel project [Web-based interactive documentary]. YMX: The Mirabel Project.
Cucinelli, G. (2016). *Virtual reality meets empathy [Website]. Virtual Reality Meets Empathy.
Cucinelli, G. (2016). Define privacy [Web-based interactive documentary]. Youth Media Practices.
Cucinelli, G. (2016). In a digital age [Web-based interactive documentary]. In a Digital Age.
Cucinelli, G. (2017). *What is interactive media? [Web-based interactive documentary film: Project website]. Mobile Media Lab- Montreal.
Chazan, M., & Madden, D. (2016). Montreal media capsules.
Charise, A. (2016). ACTipedia: Resisting digital ageism at the University of Toronto Scarborough. Storify.
Ageing + Communications + Technologies. (2016). *Age 3.0: The creative aging fair [Art installation].