Seniors Media Day at the Atwater Library and Computer Centre in Montreal
Ressources ethnoculturelles contre l’abus envers les aîné(e)s (RECAA) and ACT invite you to their POP-UP Restaurant at Place Commune on March 25th, from 12pm to 2pm in Montreal.
This event is part of a food blog project, Food Talks, À table with RECAA and friends, developed in partnership with ACT. The project has unfolded through four main types of activities: cooking sessions and food forums that invite conversation, participation and inclusion; intergenerational digital skills workshops that focus on the skills required to write blog posts (photography, audio and writing workshops); the production and publication of blog posts and printed promotional cards; and cooking and eating events with partners and friends to favour discussion and raise awareness through community about RECAA’s concerns and mandate. Through this food blog project, RECAA, as an activist organization, strives to develop agency within a contemporary “food culture”.
Come to enjoy recipes from our food blog at and find out more about the project on the ACT project page.
Where: 7669 Querbes, Parc Extension – Wheelchair accessible (Metro Parc, 80 Bus)
When: Brunch will be served on March 25th, from 12pm to 2pm
How much: $8 for a plate; $2 for tea/coffee
Call for Papers – Summer School 2017
“Noisy Women!”: The Women, Ageing and Media International Research Summer School 2017
27th – 29th June 2017
University of Gloucestershire, at Gloucester and Cheltenham
The 2017 International Women, Ageing and Media (WAM) Research Summer School (at the University of Gloucestershire) will take place in Gloucester and Cheltenham (UK) on 27th, 28th and 29th June. It will bring together international postgraduate researchers across disciplines, whose research engages with women and ageing in relation to popular cultural forms (e.g. popular music, film, television, literature. dance, fashion and digital social media) and any of the following approaches and/or issues: identity, activism, representation, cultural activity, creativity, lived experience. The Summer School theme is ‘Noisy Women’ (which can be interpreted broadly as older women who are not silent).
We are delighted to announce the participation of ACT colleagues, Professor Kim Sawchuk (Concordia University, Canada) and Professor Stephen Katz (Trent University, Canada).
The Summer School will take place over three days and provides excellent opportunities for postgraduate researchers to make important connections with other researchers working in the field of Ageing Studies. In addition to presenting your own research, there will be workshops exploring methods and conceptual issues relating to women and ageing studies. The third day will involve discussions and learning opportunities co-created with representatives from WAM’s community partners.
In addition to the academic programme there will also be the annual WAM dancing event. This year will be an extra special celebration to mark the 10th anniversary of WAM – we very much look forward to celebrating with you!
Call for abstracts:
We invite applications to two different strands of presentation:
Please submit abstracts of 250 words by 24th March 2017 to
Your abstract details should include:
· Your name, email address, institutional affiliation and year of study
· Title of PhD/Research Project and disciplinary field
· Up to five key words, which will help reviewers classify your panel
· Technical requirements for presentation
We will confirm you have a place by 31st March 2017. The deadline for registration and payment is 31st May 2017. There is a fee of £80 (unwaged) and £120 (waged) which covers Summer School participation.
A full programme plus details for registration, travel and accommodation will appear on the WAM webpage by the end of April, once places have been confirmed:
If you have any queries, please contact WAM Administrator and WAM/ACT doctoral student Alison Willmott (
ACT Funding
ACT will partially fund up to four ACT-affiliated PhD students or postdoctoral fellows who have been admitted to participate in “strand 1” (meaning, they have been accepted to give a 20-minute presentation), and who have not yet had the chance to participate in the summer school. Priority will be given to those who have not received ACT funding in the previous 12 months. Funding will offset costs for the flight (or train) as well as accommodations, for a total amount of up to 1,500 CAD. Those wanting to be considered for ACT funding should include in their abstract to WAM a statement indicating they want to be considered for ACT funding. They should also send to ACT ( a copy of their full application to WAM, a budget detailing costs for travel in CAD (flight or train, and accommodations), and a completed support form signed by a senior ACT researcher (available to download here). The deadline for the funding application to ACT is also March 24th, 2017.
This call for applications has been written with information originally published on the WAM website.
The Concordia University Research Chair in Aging and Public Policy is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral fellow position to conduct research on “The Politics of Social Gerontology in Asian Post-Industrialized Societies.” The selected candidate will work with ACT Collaborator Patrik Marier, as well as Meghan Joy at Concordia University. Applications are due April 1, and the complete call for applicants is available on the Concordia University website.
ACT members will be alongside partners Respecting Elders Communities against Abuse (RECAA) on the Older Women Live (OWL) radio programme on CKUT in Montreal. They will discuss the recent food blog project, and will talk about the longstanding collaboration between ACT and RECAA that spans creative and research projects. Listen in on Wednesday, March 8 at 6pm on CKUT (90.3) in Montreal.
This month’s In Focus piece brings an overview of an EU-funded research project on ageing and technology; one that approaches the topic from a health perspective, with a specific focus on dementia.
Les aîné(e)s et leur monde
Pour Nuit blanche, l’édifice Samuel Bronfman de l’Université Concordia se transformera en un pavillon futuriste. Ses fenêtres seront utilisées comme écrans temporaires sur lesquels seront projetés des images représentant les complexités interculturelles du vieillissement L’exposition cherche à repenser les stéréotypes du vieillissement et des technologies et à rendre l’invisible visible.
By Daniel Blanche
The Iaioflautas in a demonstration on January 2013 (photo by Fotomovimiento under a CC BY-NC-ND license).
With this text I intend to share some reflections regarding the perception of stereotypes of older people, and how these are confronted by older adults who are highly active in political protests, in adopting information and communication technologies (ICT), and in continuous collaboration with younger generations. These reflections come from a broader case study about a social movement led by older people that emerged in Barcelona in late 2011 called “Iaioflautas,” which in English can be roughly translated as “flute grannies,” in solidarity with the defamatory appellation against young hippie squatters, “Perroflautas” (“flute dogs”).
It has become common to think about older people as engaged voters and thus more politically involved than younger people. Studies have suggested that in some European countries older people seem to participate more than younger people in elections (Goerres, 2007; Quintelier, 2007). However, not many people envision older people’s political participation within social movements, in the form of protests, demonstrations, sit-ins, blockades, and other non-institutionalized ways of participating in the political sphere. Scholarship has mirrored this trend as there has been limited research conducted on older people’s involvement in political activism and protest activities (Adler, Schwartz, & Kuskowski, 2007), with some notable exceptions (Sawchuk, 2009; Narushima, 2006).
Portrayals of older adults as unskilled and as problematic ICT users are also widespread and common (Loos, Haddon & Mante-Meijer, 2012; Fernández-Ardèvol, & Ivan, 2015). Fortunately, research has challenged this perception demonstrating that age per se is not the decisive factor for ICT dexterity, but rather, it acts in conjunction with several other factors (e.g., ICT experience, socioeconomic status).
The appearance of “Iaioflautas” as a new social movement is characterized not only by being composed largely by older people, but also by their active use of ICTs for organizational and communicational purposes. Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol and I decided to examine this group in the hopes of contributing to knowledge about older adults’ participation in what has been termed “networked social movements” (Castells, 2012). The participants’ perceptions of ageist stereotypes and their use of ICTs within the movement were two of the aspects our study examined.
Through a series of 15 semi-structured interviews with politically active participants, we found that most of the interviewees shared negative stereotypes of older adults held by younger people. Some of the most common perceptions cited in the interviews were that older adults are regarded as a burden, stubborn, aloof, selfish, or unproductive. The last notion, that older adults are unproductive, was most notable, as society seems to value older adults only as long as they remain active, autonomous, productive, and engaged in society. This belief seems to be implicitly supported by some participants, who were critical of their age-peers not protesting in the streets with them. The majority also reported feeling praised and encouraged by others when engaging actively in protests. Yet, even when they do so, they are scrutinized and questioned. One participant remarked: “When you go out, ‘disguise’ yourself, and do what we do…you’re a freak! They don’t understand. ‘What is that person thinking?’ ‘But Sir, at your age?’” So, on the one hand, older people are valued only if they participate actively in society, and on the other, are judged as acting inappropriately for their age.
All participants in the study have a mobile telephone and nearly all of them communicate regularly and consistently through Internet via emails, social media, and apps. The data collected from a non-representative online survey that we codesigned with colleagues (Tecnopolítica, 2014) indicates that of a subsample of self-reported participants in Iaioflautas aged 60 and over (n=13), 9 participants (69%) used a computer (desktop, laptop) and 11 (85%) used social network sites to access and share information about the protest movement. Facebook (85%) and WhatsApp (54%) were the most common digital technologies used during their participation. Moreover, 73% of these Facebook users and 71% of these WhatsApp users reported having used these technologies for the first time during their participation in the movement. In other words, their involvement in the movement also meant an introduction to new digital technologies. Our interviews revealed that participants learned to use these technologies through two distinct pathways: either forced by their daily commitments – work, family life, social participation – or facilitated by courses organized by the movement itself. The latter was particularly relevant for blue-collar workers, either working or retired. A participant explains: “We organized a couple of short courses on computing because they had no idea what Facebook or an email were. Now, they are loving it. They are with their email, Facebook, Twitter all day long, which is great! But they had no clue, 80% of them.” Although not representative of the older population in Spain, the data assisted in debunking the notion that older people are unable to learn and master new technologies as a consequence of their age.
While many participants believe that they are influencing change in regards to the prejudices and stereotypes older adults face, they do so with caution. Their participation in Iaioflautas generally inspires admiration and respect, in part, because older people are not expected to engage in protest activities, and also because this group is committed to intergenerational activities (Villar, 2012). They have been engaged in constant and relatively demanding activities that work towards creating solidarity across generations. Although most often regarded as an older adult’s movement, people of all ages participate in the group, either sporadically, or on a regular basis: younger people help older adult’s learn ICTs; younger people learn from the older adult’s organizational and tactical ideas; and Iaioflautas usually supports other associations and social movements that champion intergenerational interests. Many participants expressed a wish for greater media coverage so their work can be both locally and internationally recognized, and to demonstrate to the world that older adults can be politically active. Others expressed a wish for more equitable treatment in the media. One participant expresses this concern: “A few months ago there was a newspaper article that said ‘Iaioflautas with iPhones’…So what? That because we are older we can’t know how to use telephones and new techniques? It said something like we were Superman, or the like, because we even had iPhones!”
While this study addresses what might be understood as a minority within a population, it is important to remember that only a relative minority of people, young or old, becomes involved in social movements activities. Our findings challenged the social perception of older adults as problematic in the adoption of new ICTs. We found that as long as older adults understood the adoption of new technologies as beneficial, their interest in learning increases, and they can become as intensive users as younger people. Iaioflautas offer us a good example of how ageist stereotypes can be combated: via greater intergenerational interaction and collaboration, wider training opportunities on ICTs, and fairer portrayals of older people in the media and popular culture. This might not be enough, but it helps in building greater social cohesion between older and younger people, a relationship that at times appears to be under stress.
Bibliography on request: dblanchet (at) uoc (dot) edu
Daniel Blanche is a PhD student at University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and a Research Assistant for ACT, involved in coordinating the Telecommunication Technology research stream of the project.
On July 9, 2015, Loredana Ivan, ACT co-applicant and Professor at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in Romania, spoke at IN3 at the Open University of Catalonia in Barcelona. Loredana was at IN3, a ACT partner institution, as a visiting scholar. Below, you can see a presentation she gave during her stay in Barcelona on “Seniors, risk and mobile communication”. More information on Loredana’s talk is also available on the IN3 website.
The ACT project has launched a new “Lunch & Learn” series at Concordia. Each month, a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow is invited to present on their research. Colleagues provide feedback and ask questions in an informal setting. Everyone in the ACT community, from researchers to community partners, is invited to attend. The series kicked off in October 2016 and has been going strong since with monthly presentations and discussions.
This month, ACT-affiliated student and MA student in Media Studies at Concordia University, Nora Lamontagne, will present on her MA project Old, crafty and connected: The Cercle des fermières community in the age of digital networks.
In her project, Nora’s seeks, first, to understand how the Fermières, as an intergenerational organization with a large membership that includes older women, have incorporated the use of the Internet and digital communications into their organization. Second, it looks to analyze how the incorporation of these digital, on-line platforms reshapes the sense of community present in this longstanding all-female institution.
Pack a lunch and join us in the ACT offices!
Monday, January 23, 2017
Samuel Bronfman Building, 4th floor
1590, ave. du Docteur Penfield, Montreal