How do Canadians, sixty-five years and older, use the cellular telephone? Why to they use it? What are their observations on the shifting landscape of mobile media from their perspective? These questions are at the heart of “seniors and cells”, an interrogation into the way that older Canadians tactically negotiate a variety of barriers to access and make decisions about their media use.

‘It’s my choice’

‘It’s my choice” : exploring adoption and non-adoption of mobile telephony among seniors’ explores the adoption and non-adoption of mobile telephony amongst seniors. While the majority of participants are located in Barcelona, Catalonia, the study has since expanded to bring in comparisons with older adults in the United States. In the next, experimental phase of the project, the team has use the methods first developed for this study and adapted them for a small pilot study of Canadian seniors in Toronto (May- June 2012).

Étoile des aînés

Ageing Musics/Ageing Musicians s’agit d’un projet pilote visant à explorer la spécificité de ces enjeux à travers le champ des études sur la musique populaire où les “jeunes” demeurent souvent conçus à la fois comme les sujets, les acteurs et les auditoires privilégiés.

Active Ageing, Mobile Technologies- and the A-C-M

Active Ageing, Mobile Technologies is the title of the SSHRC Partnership Development Grant that is funding the development of this nascent international, multidisciplinary partnership. The grant brings together a team of researchers and community partners from Malaysia, Catalonia, Canada and Quebec whose goal is to better understand the intersections between communications, ageing and mobility. The […]