Guest Prof. Eugène Loos to offer a conference on senior citizens and information accessibility at the IN3-UOC, Barcelona

The Mobile Communication, Economy & Society Research Program (CMES) of the IN3-UOC is hosting for the public talk Prof. Dr. Eugène F. Loos, from the University of Amsterdam, will give next April 11th in Barcelona, Spain (one of the places where the Ageing Communication Media network has presence).

The title of the conference is “Senior citizens: Digital immigrants in their own country? Debunking myths of age related information accessibility”. Population in most western countries is ageing at a rapid pace, and at the same time, these countries are increasingly becoming digitised by providing information in a digital form. The question raised by Loos is: to what extent is there an actual problem for senior citizens who are looking for accessible information? Are they really digital immigrants in their own country? The speaker will address these questions by presenting 5 common myths on the topic and will attempt to debunk them based on empirical research, which will be illustrated by documents and videos.

The conference can be followed in Twitter: @CMES_IN3 – hashtag #LoosIN3, and in live streaming video.

The conference is scheduled at 4PM Barcelona local time (check your local time here). For more detailed information of this conference, click here. For the agenda, click here.

This talk is arranged by the Mobile Communication, Economy & Society Research Program (CMES) as an activity of the Ageing Communications Media Network (A C M). The activity benefits of the support of the IN3-UOC and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Eugène Loos is currently a Professor of Old and New Media in an Ageing Society in the Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam and Associate Professor at the Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University. He is also a member of the research schools ASCoR (Amsterdam School of Communication Research) and the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG). He holds a PhD in International Business Communication from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. As a linguist, he has conducted research and written several books, book chapters and journal articles in the field of organisational (intercultural) organisation and the use of new media. Currently his research focuses on the role of new media related to accessible information for senior citizens. Ashgate published his most recent book Generational Use of New Media, co-edited by Leslie Haddon and Enid Mante-Meijer, autumn 2012.

Read here a press review of the event.

Watch the video conference below:

What people is saying now about the conference: #LoosIN3
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