• Workshop - COVID Conundrums: Rethinking Research Methods in a Pandemic

    As a pandemic has upended our lives, the ways in which we do research have also shifted. Students and other emerging researchers, in particular, are asked to make impactful decisions about their own academic practices and research projects. Social distancing measures have altered fieldwork and disrupted academic plans. The predominance of online tools have posed […]

    June 30, 2021

  • Workshop on Demystifying Policy Interventions for Emerging Researchers

    How can our research findings help build evidence-based public policy that promotes better ageing futures? This workshop is designed for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who are interested in mobilizing and communicating their research findings to policy makers to help promote societal change. From reports, to white papers, to engagements with decision makers in multiple […]

    June 28, 2021

  • Workshop on OP-ED Writing for Ageing Studies (Day 2)

    Do you want to bring your research into public and media discussions on age and ageing? You should write an Op Ed! Op Eds are short commentaries that are generally published in newspapers or magazines, and centred on presenting an opinion and argument on a socially-relevant matter. Ageing + Communication + Technologies (ACT) Lab and […]

    June 23, 2021

  • Workshop on OP-ED Writing for Ageing Studies (Day 1)

    Do you want to bring your research into public and media discussions on age and ageing? You should write an Op Ed! Op Eds are short commentaries that are generally published in newspapers or magazines, and centred on presenting an opinion and argument on a socially-relevant matter. Ageing + Communication + Technologies (ACT) Lab and […]

    June 21, 2021

  • ACT and CREGÉS Give Talk about Sandra's Keys

    Supporting World Elder Abuse Awareness Team, ACT members Constance Lafontaine, Scott DeJong, and Dr. Kim Sawchuk gave a talk with CREGES member Sarita Israel about the Sandra’s Keys. Outling the collaborative design process and partnerships that went into making the game, the talk highlighted the value of creating an escape game about Older Adult Mistreatment. […]

    June 15, 2020

  • Call for abstracts - Workshop The Network Society Today

    Call for abstracts – Workshop The Network Society Today: (Revisiting) the Information Age Trilogy  10-11/June/2020   Manuel Castells The Information Age Trilogy has been one of the most influential works to understand the societal change in the awake of the digital revolution of the last decades.  It is, as Frank Webster (2002: 97) points out, one of “the most illuminating, […]

    June 10, 2020

  • Intergenerational world café on the climate emergency

    With some support with ACT, the organization Rapid Decarbonization Group (RDG) is organizing an intergenerational conversation on the climate emergency at Concordia University. The event will draw from the method of the “world café” to bring young adults and older adults in dialogue.  Registration is mandatory for this event. If you are interested in participating, […]

    December 2, 2019

  • Master class by Sonja Klinksy on climate change policy

    More details coming soon!

    November 26, 2019

  • ACT panel at the Gerontological Society of America

    ACT members Stephen Katz, Kim Sawchuk, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol and Constance Lafontaine are presenting in a panel titled “Technology and Aging Futures: Discovering The Consumer Electronics Show (CES)” at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting. The Meeting is taking place from November 13 to 17 2019 at the Convention Center in Austin, Texas. Wednesday […]

    November 13, 2019

  • ACT at the Canadian Association of Gerontology in Moncton

    For the fourth consecutive year, ACT will hold a kiosk at the annual Canadian Association of Gerontology (CAG) conference.  In addition, several ACT researchers will present their research. Julia Henderson, Shannon Hebblethwaite, Kim Sawchuk, Constance Lafontaine and Scott DeJong will present as part of a panel on “Challenging normative assumptions of aging,” organized by engAGE, […]

    October 24, 2019

  • Lunch-and-learn on ageing and activism

      Join us on October 7 for a lunch-and-learn session with Daniel Blanche, who is visiting Concordia University from the Open University of Catalonia. Most people associate activism as the domain of youth, even though many older people have been involved in activism for much longer than their younger counterparts. Sociopolitical activism comes in many […]

    October 7, 2019

  • Lecture by Mireia Fernández-Ardèveol: "Older people go mobile... their way"

    Mireia Fernández-Ardèveol, who is visiting the Université de Montréal from the Open University of Catalonia, is giving a public lecture on September 13, 2019. “Older people go mobile… their way“ reviews empirical evidence on the intersection of older age and mobile communication from a non-patronizing perspective. It examines the ways heterogeneous groups of older individuals […]

    September 13, 2019

  • Governing Board meeting

    Members of the ACT governing board will meet at the Université de Montréal from September 13 to 15 2019.

    September 13, 2019

  • WAM present: Creative Methods in Ageing Studies Research Symposium

    WAM present: a one-day Creative Methods in Ageing Studies Research Symposium, which will take place on Wednesday 24th July at the University of Gloucestershire.

    July 24, 2019

  • Sexism, ageism and 'late style': Popular music and older women performers

    You are invited to attend a public keynote by Prof. Ros Jennings, from the University of Gloucestershire, where she will question the dominant ageist discourses in the West and their impact on the late style identities and performance strategies of older women popular music stars. The research discussed will focus on performers such as Mavis […]

    July 5, 2019

  • InterACTion vernissage 2019

    InterACTion vernissage 2019 You are cordially invited to the vernissage of Art Meets “Schmatta” on July 4th from 5-7 pm at Habitations Durocher. ACT and Groupe Harmonie worked collaboratively with a Durocher resident to explore the experiences through an evolving city with an intergenerational creative workshop that took place from May to June 2019. Come see what has […]

    July 4, 2019

  • The Graz International Summer School Seggau

    June 30 – July 13, 2019 – Seggau Castle | Leibnitz | Austria The Graz International Summer School Seggau is designed for internationally oriented, highly motivated students from all disciplines, who wish to deepen their understanding of current European and international affairs by studying and discussing global developments and challenges within the context of transformation […]

    June 30, 2019

  • Solidarity Walk to stop planetary Abuse: "Planetary Abuse.......Elder Abuse Connecting the Dots"

    World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 2019 Planetary Abuse……Elder Abuse A Solidarity Walk and Awareness Raising on the Climate Crisis and its impact on Seniors world wide and locally Date: June 20, 2019. 13:00 -14:00 Meet in Cabot Square (Atwater Metro, across from Atwater Library) 14:00-15:00 Solidarity walk down St. Catherine’s Street 15:00-17:00 Meet at […]

    June 20, 2019

  • "Ageing and music making with older adults" at the John Molson Business School, Concordia University.

    Line Grenier  will present “Ageing and music making with older adults at The Digital Music Club, at the Atwater Library and Computer Centre” The talk is part of the Labo de musique contemporaine de Montréal 2019, co-sponsored by the Société Québécoise de recherche en musique (SQRM), and will explore The Digital Music Club project at […]

    June 11, 2019

  • Forum 2019: À l'ère du numérique: défis des soins et services aux personnes âgées

    Des patients, des soignants et des proches aidants connectés Véronique Dubé, professeure adjointe à la Faculté des sciences infirmières de l’UdeM, titulaire de la Chaire de recherche Marguerite-d’Youville d’interventions humanistes en soins infirmiers et chercheuse régulière au Carrefour de l’innovation du CRCHUM Line Grenier, professeure titulaire au Département de communication de l’UdeM Dr Philippe Karazivan et Ghislaine […]

    June 6, 2019

  • Public Consultations and Media Policy: Challenging A “digital First” Approach

    Public consultations and media policy: challenging a “digital first” approach Presented by Constance Lafontaine at the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference 2019/ Colloque annuel de l’Association canadienne de communication (ACC) 2019, which will take place at the 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences hosted by The University of British Columbia Public consultations and media […]

    June 5, 2019

  • ACT at the ENAS-NANAS conference

    The NANAS-ENAS conference is taking place at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, from May 28 to 31, 2018, under the theme “Take Back Aging: Power, Critique, Imagination”. This is the joint conference of the North American Network in Aging Studies (NANAS) and the European Network in Ageing Studies (ENAS). ACT is sponsoring a keynote address […]

    May 28, 2019

  • Caravan of Democracy

    Do you want to contribute to the future of our city? Meet and speak with your elected officials and representatives of the City to learn more about citizen participation. The Caravan of Democracy travels to meet the citizens of Montreal. The Caravan is an initiative of the Office of the Council Chair, and it is […]

    May 23, 2019

  • CREGÉS presents: "Experiences, abilities, and potentialities: Enrich your work with the senior and disabled population" Conference

    Le Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale/The Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS) of CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal is proud to invite you to its’ 2019 annual conference “Experiences, abilities, and potentialities: Enrich your work with the senior and disabled population”, “Expériences, capacités et potentialités : Enrichir nos pratiques auprès des personnes […]

    May 23, 2019

  • B/OLD: Aging in our city

    B/OLD: Aging in our city

    B/OLD: Aging in our city is a free and bilingual two-day event taking place in Montreal, at Concordia University. It invites citizens, researchers, artists, policy makers and activists to consider what it means to grow older together in the city. From ‘age friendly cities’, to ‘smart cities’ and ‘sustainable cities’, how we live together in urban […]

    May 16, 2019