B/OLD : Aging in our city is a free and bilingual event happening at Concordia University on May 16 and 17, 2019. From ‘age friendly cities’, to ‘smart cities’ and ‘sustainable cities’, how we live together in urban spaces is on the public agenda, here in Montreal and around the world. But who are the citizens that are imagined and implied by these terms? How can we work together to make the city a better and more inclusive place to grow old? B/OLD examines the experiences of aging in Montreal from a multidisciplinary, multisectoral and intergenerational perspective. We open the university’s doors widely to community activists, students, policy makers, the media and, most importantly, older adults themselves, inviting all participants to “be bold” and to embrace “old”.

Panels and keynotes

We have invited speakers from the city, the media, local community organizations, and universities to discuss on diverse topics that matter to older adults. What is an age-friendly city, and how is it being implemented in Montreal? What concerns do older adults have about housing, and how can we devise innovative solutions? How do older adults use digital technologies to explore their city? Our panelists and keynote speakers are ready to answer these and many more questions.

Workshops and activities

Join us in the “4th Space” of Concordia University and take an active role in discovering exciting research projects. Participate in a podcast on an age-friendly city, break out of an “escape room” on elder abuse, or make your mark on the city by participating in an intergenerational graffiti workshop. We have collaborated with local community organizations and researchers to put together a roster of engaging and thought-provoking activities that will take place on May 16 and 17, and beyond!


Community groups and other organizations are hosting kiosks showcasing their services, ideas, and projects. Come and speak with them to find out about the projects that are happening in your community, and some of the services that are available to older adults.