Shannon Hebblethwaite discusses Grannies on the Net on CTV Montreal
/in ACT Scroll, Grannies on the Net, Media watch, News, Project updates /by Constance LafontaineOn March 14, 2018, Shannon Hebblethwaite appeared on CTV Montreal at noon to discuss her ACT-funded research project Grannies on the Net. Hebblethwaite discusses the roles that ICTs play in the lives of grandmothers, including how they factor in family relationships. For Hebblethwaite’s respondents, digital technologies can represent both “a blessing and a curse”. Watch the full interview below.
Shannon Hebblethwaite and Concordia research on aging featured in the Montreal Gazette
/in ACT Scroll, Grannies on the Net, Media watch, News, Project updates /by Constance LafontaineACT researcher Shannon Hebblethwaite was recently featured in a piece in the Montreal Gazette titled “New research from Concordia examines how we can age well while living healthier, longer“. Hebbelthwaite, who is a professor of applied human sciences at Concordia University and the director of the recently-formed engAGE centre for research on aging, discusses her recent research on intergenerationality, and her ACT-funded work on online communication between grandmothers and grandchildren.
Keep Calm and Reboot: Older Adults’ Experiences of Technostress
/0 Comments/in ACT Scroll, Grannies on the Net, In focus, Technophobia and Technostress among Older ICT Users /by Constance LafontaineWhile the manifestation of technostress is common across age, gender and cultural contexts, older adults have very specific challenges. Older adults, despite being the fastest growing segment of ICT users, are often ignored in technostress research, thus very little is known about how they experience and cope with it.
ACT represented in three panels at the Human Computer Interaction conference in Vancouver
/0 Comments/in ACT Scroll, Events, Grannies on the Net, Smart Watches, The impact of exergames /by Constance Lafontaine
Pictured: ACT members Barbara Ratzenböck, Francesca Comunello, Eugène Loos and Wendy Martin in Vancouver, Canada.
Eugène Loos launched the Intergenerational Gaming Platform at the Human Computer Interaction conference held in July in Vancouver, Canada. He also organized three panels: New media in the life of older people, Digital gaming among older populations, Intergenerational use of new media. The panels were presented as part of the stream on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, and involved various ACT researchers, including Francesca Comunello, Benjamin Lille, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Wendy Martin, Simone Mulargia, Barbara Ratzenböck, Margarida Romero, Andrea Rosales and Eugène Loos.

Eugène Loos, Professor at the University of Amsterdam, Senior Lecturer Utrecht University and ACT co-applicant, presents “Exergaming: Meaningful Play for Older Adults?”

Francesca Comunello, ACT researcher, presents “My grandpa and I ‘gotta catch ‘em all.’ A research design on intergenerational gaming focusing on Pokémon Go”

Benjamin Lille, graduate student at Université de Laval and ACT graduate student, presents “Intergenerational Techno-Creative Activities in a Library Fablab”

Barbara Ratzenböck, PhD student at the University of Graz and ACT graduate student, presents “Everyday Life Interactions of Women 60+ with ICTs: Creations of Meaning and Negotiations of Identity”

Wendy Martin, Lecturer at Brunel University and ACT co-applicant, presents “Visual Representations of Digital Connectivity in Everyday Life”
Skyping with Grandma: the role of ICTs in everyday family life
/0 Comments/in ACT Scroll, Grannies on the Net, In focus, Project updates /by Constance LafontaineTricia Toso met with Shannon Hebblethwaite to discuss her most recent research and to learn a little more about the complexities of family communications, in particular the challenges grandparents experience.
Shannon Hebblethwaite presents on “Grannie’s on the net” at McGill University
/0 Comments/in ACT Scroll, Events, Grannies on the Net, News, Project updates /by Constance LafontaineShannon Hebblethwaite, Assistant professor in the Department of Applied Human Sciences at Concordia University, will present her ACT-funded study on the uses of Facebook for family communication. This comparative case study brings together research on social media use, specifically Facebook, in Romania and Canada. The purpose of the study is to investigate how grandmothers communicate with grandchildren who move far away from home. The presentation, titled “Grannie’s on the net: Intergenerational communication on Facebook” will take place on October 25, 2016 at 3:30pm in the Wendy Patrick Room on the first floor of Wilson Hall at McGill University.
More information about the talk is available by consulting this poster.
‘Grannie’s on Facebook’ presented in Bournemouth, UK
/0 Comments/in ACT Scroll, Events, Grannies on the Net, Project updates /by ACTPresentation by ACT researchers Loredana Ivan and Shannon Hebblethwaite.