JAS Special issue – “Ageing Masculinities: Social and Cultural Representations” CFP

JAS Special issue – “Ageing Masculinities: Social and Cultural Representations”

Call for Abstract Submissions

Guest Editors: Jose M. Armengol, Roberta Maierhofer, Marge Unt & Liat Ayalon

Traditionally, Gender Studies has focused on women. Politically, this is logical. It is women who have experienced the worst effects of gender discrimination, and so it is women who were the first to make gender visible as a political category. Since the late 1980s, however, Gender Studies has increasingly focused on the lives of men recognizing the interconnectedness of the categories and the importance of active male participation in the struggle for gender equality in order for us all to live better, happier lives. Over the last twenty years, Gender Studies have increasingly expanded to incorporate critical studies on masculinities, which Michael Kimmel defines as the study of “men as men,” that is, “men as gendered beings” (2000). This has contributed to understanding masculinity – namely, the “signs, attributes, behaviours, roles, and/or practices that are associated with being a man/social male” (Hearn 2006) – as a specific gendered category revealing it as a social construction across different times and cultures (Gilmore 1990). In turn, this has promoted a thriving interdisciplinary field of masculinity research, which has given way to a fast-growing number of publications in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, including among others sociological, psychological, historical, anthropological, and cultural studies of masculinity.

Much less attention had been paid, however, to the specific intersection of gender and age, especially older men and masculinities (Thompson 2004). As principal investigators of a recently funded EU-research project on masculinities (www.mascage.eu), we are specifically interested in bringing together research conducted by scholars from different disciplines (including both the Social Sciences and Humanities) and nationalities in the fields of aging and gender studies. This special issue thus aims to be fundamentally interdisciplinary, focusing on both social science and primary data collection as well as critical studies of ageing masculinities as represented in literature and cinema. We specifically encourage collaborations between researchers from different disciplines and nationalities in order to explore the interactions between social constructions and cultural representation of ageing masculinities. The special issue will reflect our current collaborative efforts to better conceptualize and bring together the research in the field, especially the relevance of cultural representations to social constructions of aging masculinities, and the other way round.

Relevant abstracts (250 words) should be submitted by January 7th 2021 to JoseMaria.Armengol@uclm.es and roberta.maierhofer@uni-graz.at for consideration by the Guest Editors. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full-length paper, with final manuscripts to be submitted by May 1st 2021.

More Details and Official Call found here: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-aging-studies/call-for-papers/ageing-masculinities-social-and-cultural-representations?fbclid=IwAR2LO3Z771UyEoRf_FqZOCUoo-1kIfxhP8XNNLLyGfqFturWz8ltReVbbzo

EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR Special Issue CFP: “Age and Performance: Expanding Intersectionality” (TRiC/RTaC) – March 1 2020

Theatre Research in Canada/ Recherches théâtrales au Canada

“Age and Performance: Expanding Intersectionality” 

Special Issue CFP 

Guest Editors: Benjamin Gillespie (Graduate Center, CUNY), Julia Henderson (University of British Columbia), Núria Casado-Gual (University of Lleida, Catalonia, Spain)

As aging populations continue to expand rapidly, generating what Robert N. Butler has called the “longevity revolution,” cultural awareness is growing about the systemic cultural inequities restricting and repressing older people. The expanding field of humanities-based age studies has begun to explore how normative cultural expectations surrounding age (frequently translated into assumptions about how to “act one’s age”) not only pose limits on older people, but also condition perceptions (and prejudices) about all ages across the life course. In comparison to other aspects of identity such as gender, sexuality, race, or ability, age often remains ignored. In the words of age studies pioneer Margaret Morganroth Gullette, age is “entrenched in implicit systems of discrimination without adequate movements of resistance to oppose them” (15). Elinor Fuchs, one of the first scholars to explicitly incorporate an age-studies perspective in theatre research, contends that “the dividing line between youth and age is constantly elusive,” precisely because age, contrary to other markers of identity, is an overtly dynamic category based on two contradictory principles: change and continuity (70).

Scholars working within cultural age studies have started to address age as a point of intersection across many disciplines. However, as Valerie Barnes Lipscomb affirms, “theatre has lagged behind, focusing more on theatre projects with older people than on theorizing age” (193). This special issue seeks to understand theatre’s role in, and potential for, reinforcing and resisting ageism as well as the so-called narrative of decline that favours a negative view of old age (Gullette 2004) . Expanding theatre and performance research to incorporate age-studies perspectives will illuminate the constructedness of age and increase our understanding of the diverse phenomenon of aging and its performative qualities. As Michael Mangan demonstrates in his monograph Staging Ageing: Theatre, Performance and the Narrative of Decline, many of the concerns shared by theatre scholars and artists, including issues of empathy or subjectivity in drama and performance, are inherently involved in perceiving age identity (though such perceptions often remain unconscious).

Foregrounding the intersections of theatre, performance, and cultural age studies, this will be the first journal special issue to focus specifically on the role of age in Canadian theatre and performance. The issue will explore age identities across the life course and investigate ageism and its resistance through questions of temporality, aesthetics, embodiment, difference, language, performance, and performativity.

Article submissions may engage with some of the following questions:

 Following the work of Kathleen Woodward and Anne Davis Basting, how do perfomative renderings of aging and theatrical casting practices help us read the aging      body on and off stage?
● How do performances of gender, sexuality, race, and ability intersect with age performance and performativity?
● In what ways do live theatre and performance challenge us to spectate age differently in relation to other cultural forms such as film?
● How are stereotypical representations of aging overcome by the work of contemporary playwrights, theatre companies, directors, or actors?
● What new understandings of age and across life course emerge out of theatre and performance practices?

Submissions of 300-word abstracts should be sent by March 1st 2020, by email to: ageperformancetric@gmail.com, copied to the TRiC editorial office at tric.rtac@utoronto.ca. TRIC/RTAC is a bilingual journal, and we welcome submissions in both English and French. For detailed submission guidelines see: http://tricrtac.ca/en/for-authors/. The issue is scheduled to appear in November 2021.


Theatre Research in Canada/ Recherches théâtrales au Canada

Numéro thématique : « Au croisement de l’âge et de la performance » 

Appel à contributions


Directeurs du numéro : Benjamin Gillespie (Graduate Center, CUNY), Julia Henderson (University of British Columbia), Núria Casado-Gual (Université de Lleida, Catalogne, Espagne)


À mesure que les populations vieillissantes continuent de croître avec rapidité, engendrant ce que Robert N. Butler appelle la « révolution de la longévité », une prise de conscience s’effectue quant aux inégalités culturelles systémiques dont les personnes plus âgées sont la cible. Les chercheurs en études sur le vieillissement, un domaine en sciences humaines en plein essor en ce moment, ont commencé à explorer de quelles façons les attentes culturelles normatives liées à l’âge (comment l’on doit agir en fonction de son âge, par exemple) imposent des limites sur les personnes plus âgées et conditionnent nos perceptions de la vieillesse (et nos préjugés à son égard). Comparativement à d’autres aspects de l’identité — le genre, la sexualité, la race ou les capacités, par exemple —, on s’est peu intéressé jusqu’ici à l’âge. Or, selon Margaret Morganroth Gullette, pionnière des études sur le vieillissement, l’âge est « ancré dans des systèmes implicites de discrimination pour lesquels il n’existe pas de mouvement de résistance adéquat » (15, traduction). Elinor Fuchs, une des premières chercheures à intégrer explicitement la perspective des études sur le vieillissement en recherches théâtrales, affirme quant à elle que « la ligne de démarcation entre la jeunesse et la vieillesse continue de nous échapper » parce que contrairement aux autres marqueurs identitaires, il s’agit d’une catégorie ouvertement dynamique fondée sur deux principes contradictoires : le changement et la continuité (70, traduction).


Les chercheurs qui s’intéressent aux aspects culturels des études sur le vieillissement ont commencé à se servir de l’âge comme point de rencontre entre de nombreuses disciplines. Or, Valerie Barnes Lipscomb fait valoir que « le théâtre accuse du retard à ce chapitre, s’intéressant davantage aux projets de théâtre auxquels participent des personnes âgées qu’à la théorisation du vieillissement » (193, traduction). Ce numéro thématique cherche à comprendre le rôle et le potentiel du théâtre dans le renforcement de la discrimination fondée sur l’âge et la résistance à celle-ci, de même que son rôle dans les récits de déclin qui mettent de l’avant une vision négative de la vieillesse (Gullette 2004). En élargissant le champ de recherche des études théâtrales et des études de la performance de sorte à y intégrer des perspectives empruntées aux études sur le vieillissement, nous pourrons mieux comprendre la construction de l’âge, de même que les divers phénomènes liés au vieillissement et ses qualités performatives. Comme le démontre Michael Mangan dans sa monographie Staging Ageing: Theatre, Performance and té Narrative of Decline, bon nombre des préoccupations qu’ont en commun les chercheurs en théâtre et les artistes de ce milieu — l’empathie et la subjectivité en théâtre et sur scène, par exemple — sont intrinsèquement engagées dans la perception de l’identité conditionnée par l’âge (même si celle-ci demeure souvent inconsciente).


Situé au croisement des études du théâtre, de la performance et du vieillissement en lien avec la culture, ce numéro thématique sera le premier à porter spécifiquement sur le rôle que joue l’âge dans le contexte du théâtre et de la performance au Canada. Il s’intéressera aux identités liées à l’âge tout au long du parcours de vie et s’interrogera sur la discrimination fondée sur l’âge et la résistance à celle-ci en s’attardant à des enjeux liés à la temporalité, à l’esthétique, à l’incarnation, à la différence, à la langue, à la performance et à la performativité.


Les propositions pourront explorer les pistes suivantes (la liste n’est pas exhaustive) : 

  • En suivant les réflexions de Kathleen Woodward et Anne Davis Basting, comment les représentations sur scène du vieillissement et les pratiques de distribution des rôles en théâtre nous aident-elles à lire le corps vieillissant sur scène et hors scène?
  • Comment les performances liées au genre, à la sexualité, à la race et aux capacités recoupent-elles les performances liées à l’âge et la performativité?
  • En quoi les arts vivants nous incitent-ils à regarder l’âge autrement que le font d’autres formes culturelles comme le cinéma?
  • Comment les dramaturges, les compagnies théâtrales, les metteurs en scène ou les comédiens de l’époque contemporaine réussissent-ils à surmonter les stéréotypes associés au vieillissement?
  • Quelles nouvelles conceptions de l’âge et du parcours de vie émergent des pratiques employées en théâtre et en performance?


Nous invitons les personnes intéressées à soumettre par courriel un résumé d’article de 300 mots d’ici le 1er mars 2020 à l’adresse ageperformancetric@gmail.com, avec copie conforme à l’équipe éditoriale de la revue au tric.rtac@utoronto.ca.

Comme RTaC est une revue bilingue, vous êtes libres de proposer une contribution en français ou en anglais.

Pour prendre connaissance de notre guide de présentation d’un article, allez au https://tricrtac.ca/fr/for-authors/.

La parution du numéro est prévue pour Novembre 2021.

Creative Methods In Ageing Studies Research Symposium: Call For Papers

Centre for Women, Ageing, and Media is proud to announce its’ Creative Methods in Ageing Studies Research Symposium, which will take place on Wednesday, the 24th of July at the University of Gloucestershire. The call for papers is now open, the deadline to submit is April 30th, 2019.

Proposals are invited for 20-minute papers addressing an aspect of the symposium theme: “Creative Research Methods in Ageing Studies.” Proposals may address any of the following methodological approaches, address them from multiple methods perspectives or suggest alternative creative methods not covered below:

– Visual and performing arts

– Creative writing / lifewriting

– Music, arts and crafts

– Participatory, decolonising, activist and/or community-based methods

– Digital methods

– Reflective/autoethnographic methods

To apply, send proposals to wambookings@glos.ac.uk by April 30th, 2019.

For any additional information email Dr. Hannah Grust at hgrist@glos.ac.uk

Call for papers: Cultures of Participation – Arts, Digital Media, and Politics


International and interdisciplinary conference: April 18-20, 2018
Aarhus University, Denmark

Please submit your abstract proposal (max 300 words) and a short bio (max 100 words) to  culturesofparticipation2018@cc.au.dk no later than 5 January 2018. We welcome individual papers as well as panels with three or four contributors.  Authors will be notified of paper acceptance no later than 21 January.
More information here: http://conferences.au.dk/culturesofparticipation2018/

Call for student applications: GUSEGG

ACT is sponsoring a module on ageing, communication and technologies as part of the Graz International Summer School Seggau (GUSEGG), to be held in July 2017 and organized by the University of Graz.
This year the module focusses on (Re)configuring Age and Ageing: Critical Mediations in Critical Times, and is taught by ACT researchers Line Grenier and David Madden. ACT will partially fund up to five graduate students to attend the school, and specifically cover costs pertaining to tuition and boarding. You can learn more about the GUSEGG here, and the module on ageing here. More information about ACT’s involvement in the school from 2015 (including a great video “trailer” produced during the summer school) can be found here.

This opportunity is open to ACT-affiliated students who have not had the chance to participate in the school. Interested students need to apply to ACT. Applications should be sent to application@actproject.ca by April 12, 2017 and should include:

1) a 500-word letter on the student’s motivation to attend Graz International Summer School Seggau 2017 and why the topic of the lectures and seminar model is of value to them. The student should especially explain how their research fits within ACT and how they will benefit from courses in the module of (Re)configuring Age and Ageing: Critical Mediations in Critical Times.

2) A C.V.

3) The ACT student support form signed by a co-applicant or collaborator (form attached)

Successful candidates will be asked to provide more information to the GUSEGG, including academic transcripts and a copy of their passports.

WAM Summer School: Celebrating 10 Years of WAM

Call for Papers – Summer School 2017


“Noisy Women!”: The Women, Ageing and Media International Research Summer School 2017

27th – 29th June 2017

University of Gloucestershire, at Gloucester and Cheltenham

The 2017 International Women, Ageing and Media (WAM) Research Summer School (at the University of Gloucestershire) will take place in Gloucester and Cheltenham (UK) on 27th, 28th and 29th June. It will bring together international postgraduate researchers across disciplines, whose research engages with women and ageing in relation to popular cultural forms (e.g. popular music, film, television, literature. dance, fashion and digital social media) and any of the following approaches and/or issues: identity, activism, representation, cultural activity, creativity, lived experience. The Summer School theme is ‘Noisy Women’ (which can be interpreted broadly as older women who are not silent).

We are delighted to announce the participation of ACT colleagues, Professor Kim Sawchuk (Concordia University, Canada) and Professor Stephen Katz (Trent University, Canada).

The Summer School will take place over three days and provides excellent opportunities for postgraduate researchers to make important connections with other researchers working in the field of Ageing Studies. In addition to presenting your own research, there will be workshops exploring methods and conceptual issues relating to women and ageing studies. The third day will involve discussions and learning opportunities co-created with representatives from WAM’s community partners.

In addition to the academic programme there will also be the annual WAM dancing event. This year will be an extra special celebration to mark the 10th anniversary of WAM – we very much look forward to celebrating with you!

Call for abstracts:

We invite applications to two different strands of presentation:

  1. Proposals for 20 minute presentations are invited from doctoral and early career researchers at any stage of their work and from any discipline whose topics are relevant to women, ageing and the theme ‘Noisy Women!’. Presentations may take the form of papers, posters, films and multimedia presentations.
  1. Proposals are also invited for our inaugural ‘Three Minute Thesis’ session. This is your opportunity to present a clear and precise account of your research thesis/project. It is a great opportunity to prepare for submission, viva and/or grant application.

Please submit abstracts of 250 words by 24th March 2017 to wambookings@glos.ac.uk

Your abstract details should include:
· Your name, email address, institutional affiliation and year of study
· Title of PhD/Research Project and disciplinary field
· Up to five key words, which will help reviewers classify your panel
· Technical requirements for presentation

We will confirm you have a place by 31st March 2017. The deadline for registration and payment is 31st May 2017. There is a fee of £80 (unwaged) and £120 (waged) which covers Summer School participation.

A full programme plus details for registration, travel and accommodation will appear on the WAM webpage by the end of April, once places have been confirmed:

If you have any queries, please contact WAM Administrator and WAM/ACT doctoral student Alison Willmott (AlisonWillmott@connect.glos.ac.uk).


ACT Funding

ACT will partially fund up to four ACT-affiliated PhD students or postdoctoral fellows who have been admitted to participate in “strand 1” (meaning, they have been accepted to give a 20-minute presentation), and who have not yet had the chance to participate in the summer school. Priority will be given to those who have not received ACT funding in the previous 12 months. Funding will offset costs for the flight (or train) as well as accommodations, for a total amount of up to 1,500 CAD.  Those wanting to be considered for ACT funding should include in their abstract to WAM a statement indicating they want to be considered for ACT funding. They should also send to ACT (application@actproject.ca) a copy of their full application to WAM, a budget detailing costs for travel in CAD (flight or train, and accommodations), and a completed support form signed by a senior ACT researcher (available to download here). The deadline for the funding application to ACT is also March 24th, 2017.

This call for applications has been written with information originally published on the WAM website.


Postdoctoral Fellowship at Concordia University on “The Politics of Social Gerontology in Asian Post-Industrialised Societies”

The Concordia University Research Chair in Aging and Public Policy is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral fellow position to conduct research on “The Politics of Social Gerontology in Asian Post-Industrialized Societies.” The selected candidate will work with ACT Collaborator Patrik Marier, as well as Meghan Joy at Concordia University. Applications are due April 1, and the complete call for applicants is available on the Concordia University website.

Postdoctoral fellowship/s: Human-Computer Interaction and older people

stunning lifestyle imagery for modern creatives... check out another scenery / perspective

The Interactive Technologies Group (http://gti.upf.edu/) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona) is looking for and willing to support excellent postdoctoral Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers who are interested in applying for a Beatriu de Pinós (BP) 2016 fellowship so as to conduct a two-year postdoc in the area of HCI and Ageing at a top Spanish university. The candidate/s will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Josep Blat (UPF) and Dr. Sergio Sayago (Universitat de Barcelona).

The purpose of the Beatriu de Pinós programme* is to award 60 individuals grants for the hiring and incorporation of postdoctoral research staff into the Catalan science and technology system. These grants are designed for the incorporation of young researchers (who obtained their PhD between 2007 and 2014 and have not resided or worked in Spain for more than 12 months in the three years prior to date of submission of the application), so that they can improve their professional prospects and obtain an independent research position. Candidates must carry out a research and training project for the entire period of the grant, one that will allow them to progress in the development of their professional careers. Please check the website of the BP programme for further information about procedures, deadlines, and requirements.

The Interactive Technologies Group (GTI) is a research group within the Information and Communication Technologies Engineering Department(https://portal.upf.edu/web/etic/home) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (http://upf.edu). The GTI focuses on human aspects and technology, especially those related to enhancing people’s use of computer technologies. The GTI has been conducting research in the field of HCI and older people (http://gti.upf.edu/digital-inclusion/) over slightly more than a decade (starting in 2004). Four PhD dissertations in the field of HCI and older people have been successfully completed over this period of time. Our research tends to focus on the human aspects of HCI, adopting a strong ethnographic / participant observational approach. Previous research included Web Accessibility and Computer-Mediated Communication. Our current research aims to understand better HCI research and design with, and for, older people, by exploring, for instance, digital games, Embodied Conversational Agents, everyday emotional digital experiences, wearable computing, PD and DIY.

Call for papers: Special Issue on Therapeutic Recreation in a Digital World


The proliferation of digital technologies and the evolution of assistive technologies, virtual spaces, and new forms of leisure engagement raise key questions about the changing nature of therapeutic recreation and social justice. These varied technologies have the potential to benefit marginalized individuals and communities, but they may also be challenging and problematic. ICTs, therefore, have implications for therapeutic recreation (TR) professionals, educators, students, and researchers. The purpose of this special issue of the Therapeutic Recreation Journal (TRJ), therefore, is to critically explore opportunities and challenges associated with integrating technology in TR practice, education, and research.

TRJ is seeking manuscripts that address innovative uses and critical reflections upon a wide variety of technologies in therapeutic recreation. Manuscripts that address technology in research, education, and/or practice perspectives are highly encouraged. Additionally, qualitative, quantitative, and conceptual approaches are equally encouraged.