Photo by Bank Phrom on Unsplash

A Year of Aging creatively and critically examines the media coverage of older adults and issues related to aging in Quebec’s mainstream media during the year 2017. 

Over 2,360 articles were collected over this one-year period. Drawing from this corpus of materials, the contributors to A Year of Aging project were invited to respond to an issue of their choosing. Researchers, artists, research-creation artisans and activists of all ages, who are members of the Ageing,  +Communication + Technologies (ACT) network, were given the challenge to use at least one article published in 2017 and produce a creative work or text from their own perspective, position, research interest or activist goal. Drawing upon these news stories for inspiration, the contributors to A Year of Aging dissect, contort, and explore new avenues for critical thinking on representations of aging in the media. When assembled, the contributions to A Year of Aging challenge common, taken-for-granted, everyday truths about aging and open up a space for dialogue and discussion.

This book project emerged from the media monitoring project.

Un an de vieillissement

Un an de vieillissement explore de façon critique et créative le traitement médiatique des personnes aînées et du vieillissement dans les principaux médias québécois pendant l’année 2017.

Plus de 2 360 articles médiatiques ont été collectés pendant cette période d’une année. S’inspirant de ce corpus de matériaux, les contributeurs et contributrices au projet Un an de vieillissement ont été invité-e-s à répondre à un enjeu de leur choix. Chercheures, artistes, artisanes de la recherche-création ou activistes de tous âges, impliqué-e-s dans le réseau Ageing + Communication + Technologies (ACT), se sont vu attribuer le défi d’utiliser au moins un article publié en 2017 et de produire un texte ou une œuvre selon leur propre perspective, posture, intérêt de recherche ou visée activiste. S’inspirant de ces éléments d’actualité, les contributeurs et contributrices d’Un an de vieillissement dissèquent, déforment et explorent de nouvelles avenues pour réfléchir de façon critiqueles représentations du vieillissement dans les médias. Une fois assemblées, les
contributions d’Un an de vieillissement défient ce qui tient lieu de vérités en ce qui a trait aux vieillissements, laissant place au dialogue et à la discussion.

Ce projet de livre a émergé du projet de vigie médiatique.


Wendy Allen

Karine Bellerive

Myriam Durocher*

Maude Gauthier

Line Grenier

Shannon Hebblethwaite

Constance Lafontaine*

Nora T. Lamontagne*

Marietta Haas-Lubelsky

Magdalena Olszanowski

Emmanuelle Parent

Louise Poulin


Kim Sawchuk

Tricia Toso

Marie-Ève Vautrin-Nadeau

*Coordinators of the project


Research Areas:

Critical Mediations


Grown from a media monitoring project that starting in 2017, A Year of Aging has officially been created and released. The book creatively and critically examines the media coverage of older adults and issues related to aging. Researchers, artists, research-creation artisans, and activists of all ages, who are members of the ACT network took up the challenge to produce a creative work or text from their own perspective, position, research interest, or activist goal related to news article. Each of these contributions have been assembled into the text, which ACT has officially published.

The A Year of Aging project involves an array of voices, perspectives, and presentations around the coverage of older adults and aging. Edited by Myriam Durocher, Nora T. Lamontagne, and Constance Lafontaine, the book brings voices together to claim a fair, just and visible place for aging and older adults in our current media landscape. In this manner, A Year of Aging challenges our understanding of aging from a cultural and media perspective.