The ACT partnership was very well represented at one of the largest ever conferences in ageing
studies: the IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, a joint conference hosted by the
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) and the Gerontological Association of
America (GSA), that took place in San Francisco in July 2017. ACT members presented across a
variety of multidisciplinary panels and symposia throughout the conference.
On the final day, ACT presented a symposium entitled Ageing, the Digital and Everyday Life led by Wendy Martin and
Barb Marshall to highlight current and innovative research amongst the partnership. This
included presentations by Kim Sawchuk on time, temporality and media; Wendy Martin on
visual representations of the digital in everyday life; Loredana Ivan on older people when they are
communicating in Facebook communities; Andrea Rosales on learning processes when older
people start to use smartwatches; and Barb Marshall on wearables (such as FitBits), self-
tracking, and ageing bodies. The symposium was well attended and we had illuminating and
thoughtful discussions between the speakers and the audience and had the opportunity to widen
our networks by meeting many new international colleagues in ageing and the digital.