“Fingers on the Line” wins prize for best short documentary film

“Fingers on the line,” a short film by Line Grenier, Véro Leduc and Pamela Witcher, won the the prize for best short documentary film at the Toronto International Deaf Film & Arts on May 27, 2017. The film explores some communication technologies of yesterday and today, and brings to the fore some reflections on technologies and ageing from deaf seniors. “Fingers on the Line” is part of the ACT-funded research-creation project Les aînés Sourds et la technologie, and has been screened as part of various events Montreal and beyond. You can view the English version of the film here

During the same festival, affiliated researcher Véro Leduc also won a prize for best experimental film for the “C’est tombé dans l’oreille d’une sourde,” a film she created as part of her recently completed PhD project.

ACT at Congress 2017

Several ACT members will present their research at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, to be held at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada from May 27 to June 2, 2017.

May 29: ACT Director Kim Sawchuk has been invited to present on the ACT project as part of a panel organized by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council (SSHRC) on Managing Large-scale Partnerships.

May 29: PhD student and ACT RA Myriam Durocher presents From “Healthy Nutrition” to Successful Aging as part of the Canadian Association of Food Studies conference.

May 30: Affiliated researcher Ann-Louise Davidson, Co-applicant Giuliana Cucinelli, Nathalie Duponsel and Nadia Naffi present Learning And Making With Tiny And Affordable Computers And Open-source Platforms: What Does Maker Culture Teach Us? as part of the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) conference.

May 31: David Madden presents Vers L’or And Quebec’s Ondists s part of the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) conference.

June 2: Myriam Durocher presents Quand La Biomédicalisation De L’alimentation Contribue à L’injonction Au Vieillissement Réussi as part of the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) conference.




Older adults reflect on austerity

Our friends at Équipe VIES (Vieillissements, exclusions sociales et solidarités)  and CREGÉS (Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale) invited us to help them set the tone for their upcoming conference on May 15 at Concordia University in Montreal by making an introductory video. The free one-day conference, titled “Impacts de l’austérité sur les conditions de vie et de santé des personnes âgées,” brings together a wide range of speakers to discuss the implications of living later life within a climate of austerity.

In making our video, we asked five local seniors what austerity means to them, and how the politics of austerity and ageing intersect in their lives.


Vote for CARE REBELS pilot

With the support of TELUS Fund and ACT, our partner Catbird Productions, along with the co-creators Helene Klodawsky, Caroline Bâcle and their team, has completed CARE REBELS – JANET TORGE AND RADICAL RESTHOMES, a 5 minute pilot episode for a six part web series. Each episode in the series will profile an individual who is breaking barriers for unpaid friends and family caregivers. Our “rebels” work in various fields, from economics, housing, human rights, disability rights, technology to genetics.

Caregivers and the general public are invited to view the pilot and nine other pilot episodes and vote for their favourite between May 1-19th. The number of views and votes will influence the TELUS Fund’s decision on which 3 projects get the greenlight to go into production. You can vote multiple times for CARE REBELS but only once per day per device. Make it a daily thing!

Please WATCH – VOTE – SHARE the Care Rebels pilot !