Activist Ageing



For the past 18 months the Mobile Media Lab-Montreal have been collaborating with RECAA (Respecting Elders: Communities Against elder Abuse) on a variety of digital media projects. RECAA came together ten years ago to raise awareness of elder abuse within ethno-cultural communities and to foster a “culture of respect” towards the elderly.

RECAA practice Forum Theatre as an alternative model for discussing  these sensitive issues within the context of ethnocultural difference in Québec. Founded by Brazilian dramaturge Augusto Boal in the 1970’s, Forum Theatre presents short scenes that are non-verbal. A dialogue then takes place with the audience, thought of as “spect-actors,” who work with the actors in RECAA to find solutions to the complex dilemmas presented.

RECAA play a vital role within the ACM network: a long term collaboration with RECAA, under the title “Activist Ageing and Digital Media,” is in process. The goal of this suite of projects, developed together, is to translate RECAA’s methods for face-to-face communication into appropriate digital media forms and formats.

The collaboration with RECAA has gone through several phases:

Phase 1. October 2011- June 2012.
Phase 2. September, 2012- present.
Phase 3. June 2013- June 2014. Future collaborations.

You can read more about our collaboration with RECAA in this report, prepared by Sophie Guérin.

RECAA website