Dr. Barbara Crow


Dr. Barbara Crow is the Interim Dean, Graduate Studies and Associate Vice-President, Graduate. Dr. Crow’s current research interests relate to the social, cultural, political and economic implications of digital technologies. Her most recent project, undertaken in collaboration with Professor Kim Sawchuk of Concordia University and funded with a SSHRC Standard Grant, focuses on senior citizens and mobile technologies. Dr. Crow has also edited collections on mobile technologies, including The Wireless Spectrum: The Politics, Practices and Poetics of Mobile Communication, co-edited with Michael Longford and Kim Sawchuk, University of Toronto Press, in press, Wireless Technologies, Mobile Practices, co-edited with Kim Sawchuk and Richard Smith, Canadian Journal of Communication, 2008 and “Digital Feminisms,” co-edited with Sheila Petty, Atlantis, 2008. She is co-director of the Mobile Media Lab- Toronto.

CV – Barbara Crow