Research Areas
Media and Telecommunications.
Qualitative studies focusing on mobile media, telecommunications and senior citizens
Participatory Media Research
Mobilities, participatory action research and digital media-making with elders.
Cultures of Ageing
Critical and creative examinations of the culture of ageing and movement through the life course.
Recent Activity
April 11, 2014
ACM becomes ACT
The ACM project has grown and led to the seven year SSHRC-funded project "Ageing, Communication, Technologies (ACT): experiencing a digital world in later life." Please visit us at www.actproject.ca to see the latest on our current research and collaborations.
October 23, 2014
Line Grenier presented at CEFAN on Ageing and Singing in Public
On October 10, 2014, Line Grenier of the Université de Montréal presented at CEFAN (Chaire des études francophones en Amérique du Nord). The theme of this year’s conference was speech in the city. Her presentation was titled “La musique populaire en action: Chanter et vieillir en public” (Popular Music in Action: Signing and Ageing in […]
May 18, 2014
ACM and RECAA at the Congrès de l’Acfas
On May 16, Sophie Guérin, a Research Assistant affiliated with ACM and Marguerite Kephart of RECAA (Respecting Elders: Communities Against Abuse) presented at the Congrès de l’Acfas (Association francophone pour le savoir) held at Concordia University. They were part of a panel that addressed questions about elder abuse, which was part of a special event […]
April 10, 2014
OWL Interview Available Online
The April 9 CKUT interview with Kim Sawchuk, Kendra Besanger and Constance Carrier-Lafontaine conducted by Rose Marie Whalley from Older Women Live is available online. http://ckut.ca/c/en/oldgrid/wednesday,18:00
April 7, 2014
Kim Sawchuk will be giving an interview on April 9th at 6pm (EST) on CKUT in Montreal for the radio program Older Women Live (OWL). She will discuss ageing and technologies, and some of the community and research project conducted by ACM. Research assistants affiliated with ACM, Kendra Besanger and Constance Carrier-Lafontaine, will also be […]