• David Madden at Congress 2017

    As part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Postdoctoral Fellow David Madden presents Vers L’or And Quebec’s Ondists part of the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) conference.

    May 31, 2017

  • Ann-Louise Davidson & Giuliana Cucinelli at Congress 2017

    As part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Affiliated researcher Ann-Louise Davidson, Co-applicant Giuliana Cucinelli, Nathalie Duponsel and Nadia Naffi present Learning and Making with Tiny and Affordable Computers and Open-source Platforms: What Does Maker Culture Teach Us? as part of the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) conference.

    May 30, 2017

  • Kim Sawchuk presenting on SSHRC panel at Congress

    Kim Sawchuk will be presenting at a panel organized by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) on the topic of Managing Large-scale Partnerships as part of Congress 2017 at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.

    May 29, 2017

  • Myriam Durocher at Congress 2017

    As part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, PhD student and ACT RA Myriam Durocher presents From “Healthy Nutrition” to Successful Aging as part of the Canadian Association of Food Studies conference.

    May 29, 2017

  • Accessibility Gamepad Challenge

    On May 24, we’re having an Accessibility Gamepad Challenge and you’re invited! Have you ever wished that your gamepad design was different? Do you or someone close to you have a reduced mobility or live with accessibility limitations that requires modifications to the objects you use daily? Then we have a challenge for you! Come […]

    May 24, 2017

  • Perspectives culturelles sur le vieillissement avec Martine Lagacé

    Le 18 mai 2017 à 14 h, Martine Lagacé, une chercheuse membre de ACT, participera à la série de conférences donnée à Montréal et qui est intitulée Où en est la recherche sur le vieillissement ? Cette série est organisée par le Centre de recherche de l’IUGM, en collaboration avec Le Groupe Maurice. L’intervention de Martine Lagacé portera […]

    May 18, 2017

  • Impacts de l'austérité sur les conditions de vie et de santé des personnes âgées

    Our partner, the Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale (CREGÉS) and the groupe Vieillissements, exclusions sociales et solidarités (VIES) are organizing a free one-day conference to be held at Concordia University. More information can be found on the CREGÉS website.

    May 15, 2017

  • Ros Jennings on "Sexism, ageism and ‘late style’: Marianne Faithfull and Kate Bush"

      ACT Collaborator, Director of the Centre for Women, Ageing and Media (WAM) Founding member of the European Network in Ageing Studies (ENAS) is giving a public lecture at the University of Gloucestershire on May 11, 2017, from 6 to 7pm. Ros, whose research explores music and ageing, including ageing pop and rock stars, will present […]

    May 11, 2017

  • ACT Lunch and Learn: Myriam Durocher & Maude Gauthier

    Please join us for an ACT Lunch and Learn on Wednesday May 10th from 12:30-1:30pm, located at 1590 Docteur Penfield, 4th floor conference room (SB Building). Myriam Durocher, ACT Research Assistant, and Maude Gauthier, ACT Affiliate Researcher, will be conducting a presentation called The creation of a food blog by and for elders: A political gesture in response to the pressure to “age well”. […]

    May 10, 2017

  • ENAS-NANAS conference in Graz, co-sponsored by ACT

    April 27, 2017

  • RECAA benefit concert "Friendly Neighbours"

    On April 26 at the Rialto Theatre, ACT partner Respecting Elders: Communities against Abuse (RECAA) and Montreal Assault Prevention are hosting a benefit concert, featuring some great local talent. The concert is organized by Pop Montreal. Tickets are $25 and some of the performing guests include Brad Barr (the Barr Brothers), Jordan Officer, Katie Moore, Plants and […]

    April 26, 2017

  • Digital Photography Vernissage in Montreal

    On April 20th, we invite you to come and see the final outcome of this workshop, a photography exhibit entitled, “Dawn, Life, Moonlight”.

    April 20, 2017

  • Dawn, Life, Moonlight - Photography Exhibit

    Over the course of the last two months, ACT research assistants and students, Ashley McAskill and Kelly Leonard, alongside ACT community partner, Groupe Harmonie, have been facilitating a creative digital photography workshop with three participants at an HLM downtown Montreal. On April 20th, we invite you to come and see the final outcome of this workshop, a photography […]

    April 20, 2017

  • Barbara Marshall on "Our Fitbits, our (aging) selves?"

    Barbara Marshall will present on her ACT-funded research “Our Fitbits, our (aging) selves? Wearables, self-tracking and embodied aging” at the Gilbrea Centre for Studies in Aging at McMaster University on April 4 from 2pm to 3pm.

    April 4, 2017

  • Kim Sawchuk & Constance Lafontaine at Université de Sherbrooke

    Kim Sawchuk and Constance Lafontaine will present on ACT and participatory research methods at the Université de Sherbrooke on March 30, 2017.

    March 30, 2017

  • RECAA-ACT Pop up restaurant in Montreal

    RECAA and ACT invite you to a Pop up restaurant in Montreal to mark the end of the FoodTalks project. More information here.

    March 25, 2017

  • ACT Lunch & Learn: Constance Lafontaine & David Madden

    March 21, 2017

  • Seniors Media Day at the Atwater Library and Computer Centre

    The Atwater Library and Computer Centre is hosting organizing a full day of events for Seniors Media Day. More information here. 

    March 17, 2017

  • Kim Sawchuk speaking at the University of South Australia

    Kim Sawchuk has been invited to present on “Co-Researching with Seniors: Lessons from the ACT Project” at the University of South Australia.  

    March 14, 2017

  • Véro Leduc presents at Beyond Disciplines at Concordia University

    ACT-affiliated Postdoctoral Fellow Véro Leduc will present at Concordia University’ Beyond Discipline event on “Body and Mind”. The event takes place on March 9 from 5pm to 7pm, at the Loyola campus (Room 130.00, Loyola Jesuit Hall and Conference Centre). More information is available on the Concordia website.

    March 9, 2017

  • ACT on CKUT radio

    March 8, 2017

  • Ageing (Wo)Men and their World

    Ageing (Wo)Men and their World will showcase the cross-cultural complexity of the ageing experience through a medley of still and moving images of elders in Montreal. It is a response to the limited (and often, white) representations of ageing in popular culture. The exhibition’s theme is guided by a remix of Nuit Blanche’s Expo theme—the Man and his World. […]

    March 4, 2017

  • ACT presentation at conference by Office municipal de l'habitation de Montréal

    February 16, 2017

  • Nora Lamontagne on "Old, crafty and connected: The Cercle des fermières community in the age of digital networks"

    In this month’s edition of the ACT lunch and learn, ACT-affiliated student and MA student in Communication Studies at Concordia University, Nora Lamontagne, will present on her project Old, crafty and connected: The Cercle des fermières community in the age of digital networks.  Pack a lunch and join us in the ACT offices! Monday, January 23, 2017 12:20-13:30 Samuel Bronfman […]

    January 23, 2017

  • ACT Governing Board meeting

    December 13, 2016