Our network activities, and partnership development plan, include face-to-face biannual meetings hosted by one of the research partners and institutions.
Each five-day meeting follows a similar intensive format. The partners spend one day on news and business, with the conversation centring on where we are going as a network. We provide an account of whether we have met our target goals set out at prior meetings. We re-acquaint ourselves with each other. Our students have the opportunity to talk and mingle.
The second and third day of these meetings typically involves intensive discussion within the network on current research projects and new developments in related fields.
The fourth day of the meetings involves a day-long symposium where guest speakers from the local community, both internal and external to the University, are invited to present their research.
The fifth and final day of formal conversation and debate involves follow up work and planning on the direction for the team.
Beautiful variations occur. The Montreal meeting featured a film-screening and conversation with Moroccan film-maker Hind Benchekouran on her wonderful film Les tortues ne meurt pas de la viellesse. During the Toronto meeting we experimented in collaborative research lead by Dr. Fernandez-Ardevol, and organized by Dr. Barbara Crow. Sophie Guérin, one of our Research Assistants, presented prototypes from her Masters project on the transition being made by seniors from their homes into a residency. And we also took a road trip to the CCA to present some of the results of our project.
Network Meeting 1
IN3, Open University, Barcelona, July, 2011
Symposium 1, Barcelona 7 july 2011
2.Network Meeting 2
Communication Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, October, 2011
Symposium 2, Montreal Oct 27 2011
Meeting 2, Montreal. Oct. 2011
Mobile Media Lab, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University, May 2012.
Symposium 3, Toronto, May 27, 2012

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol presenting at the symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.
IN3, Open University, Barcelona, October, 2012.
Symposium 4, Barcelona, October 17th, 2012
Meeting 4, Barcelona Oct. 2012

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol giving opening remarks during the symposium at the Barcelona Network Meeting.
5.Network Mini- Meeting 5: Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol @ Concordia University
Communication Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Jan 12- Jan 19, 2012. As a follow-up to the research conducted in Toronto in May 2012, Mireia was a researcher in residence at the Mobile Media Lab, Montreal for one week. Her visit was oriented towards the production of a jointly authored paper.

Line Grenier, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, and Kim Sawchuk working on the article during the Montreal Network Meeting.

Barbara Crow and Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol working on the article during the Montreal Network Meeting.
6. Virtual Seminar, Professor Eugène Loos, Chair in “Old and New Media in an Ageing Society” at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
April 11-12 IN3 will host a virtual seminar with Professor Loos that will be publicly “broadcast”. For details on the seminar, click here.
The virtual seminar will begin at 4pm in Barcelona and 10am in Montreal. For the agenda, click here.