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October 2018
Ageing, the Digital and Everyday Life
Ageing, the Digital and Everyday Life: One Day Seminar Brunel University London, UK. Friday 26th October 2018. Brunel University and ACT are delighted to co-host a one day seminar entitled ‘Ageing, the Digital and Everyday Life’. The speakers are an interdisciplinary group of academics and researchers from the arts, the social sciences and Science and Technology Studies (STS) and include both members of the ACT partnership, and wider international colleagues whose work focuses on ageing, the digital and everyday life.…
Find out more »November 2018
Cultural Perspectives on Ageing
A number of ACT network members will be attending the Cultural Perspectives on Ageing conference, taking place in Hannover Germany. Stephen Katz will give a keynote entitled, "Cultural Gerontology" and Kim Sawchuk will give a talk called, "Participatory Media-Making with Older Adults: Promising Practices."
Find out more »Vibrations Symposium
ACT is supporting a unique, three-day symposium at Concordia. The symposium will bring together disabled artists from East London and Montreal to co-produce a suite of new digital artworks that explore sensorial relationships to the world through "vibrational" tactility. Read more about the event here. Schedule here: litnetworks
Find out more »May 2019
B/OLD: Aging in our city – Viellir dans notre ville 2019
Thursday May 16 9am to 5pm and Friday May 17 9am to 5pm All B/OLD events took place on the ground floor of the the J.W. McConnell Building (LB), at the downtown campus of Concordia University. From ‘age friendly cities’ to ‘smart cities’ and ‘sustainable cities’, how we live together in urban spaces is on the public agenda here in Montreal and around the world. But who are the citizens that are imagined and implied by these terms? How can…
Find out more »B/OLD: Aging in our city
B/OLD: Aging in our city is a free and bilingual two-day event taking place in Montreal, at Concordia University. It invites citizens, researchers, artists, policy makers and activists to consider what it means to grow older together in the city. From ‘age friendly cities’, to ‘smart cities’ and ‘sustainable cities’, how we live together in urban spaces is on the public agenda. Yet, questions of innovation and transformation too often focus on young people. As we imagine and create the cities…
Find out more »CREGÉS presents: “Experiences, abilities, and potentialities: Enrich your work with the senior and disabled population” Conference
Le Centre de recherche et d'expertise en gérontologie sociale/The Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS) of CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal is proud to invite you to its' 2019 annual conference "Experiences, abilities, and potentialities: Enrich your work with the senior and disabled population", "Expériences, capacités et potentialités : Enrichir nos pratiques auprès des personnes aînées Sourdes ou ayant des incapacités ". This event is co-organized by The ACT - Ageing + Communication + Technologies Project and l’Équipe de recherche…
Find out more »June 2019
Public Consultations and Media Policy: Challenging A “digital First” Approach
Public consultations and media policy: challenging a “digital first” approach Presented by Constance Lafontaine at the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference 2019/ Colloque annuel de l’Association canadienne de communication (ACC) 2019, which will take place at the 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences hosted by The University of British Columbia Public consultations and media policy: challenging a “digital first” approach will be presented as part of the following Panel: Creative Industries-Cultural Policy III - Policy participation paradoxes in CRTC…
Find out more »Forum 2019: À l’ère du numérique: défis des soins et services aux personnes âgées
Des patients, des soignants et des proches aidants connectés Véronique Dubé, professeure adjointe à la Faculté des sciences infirmières de l’UdeM, titulaire de la Chaire de recherche Marguerite-d’Youville d’interventions humanistes en soins infirmiers et chercheuse régulière au Carrefour de l’innovation du CRCHUM Line Grenier, professeure titulaire au Département de communication de l’UdeM Dr Philippe Karazivan et Ghislaine Rouly - Centre d’excellence sur le partenariat avec les patients et le public À l'ère du numérique: défis des soins et services aux personnes âgées Pour…
Find out more »October 2019
ACT at the Canadian Association of Gerontology in Moncton
For the fourth consecutive year, ACT will hold a kiosk at the annual Canadian Association of Gerontology (CAG) conference. In addition, several ACT researchers will present their research. Julia Henderson, Shannon Hebblethwaite, Kim Sawchuk, Constance Lafontaine and Scott DeJong will present as part of a panel on "Challenging normative assumptions of aging," organized by engAGE, Concordia's Centre for Research on Aging. Meanwhile, Patrik Marier and his colleagues will present papers on precarity and home care delivery. This year's conference will…
Find out more »November 2019
ACT panel at the Gerontological Society of America
ACT members Stephen Katz, Kim Sawchuk, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol and Constance Lafontaine are presenting in a panel titled "Technology and Aging Futures: Discovering The Consumer Electronics Show (CES)" at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting. The Meeting is taking place from November 13 to 17 2019 at the Convention Center in Austin, Texas. Wednesday November 13, 12:30-2:00pm Austin Convention Center, 5C, Level 3 Technology and Aging Futures: Discovering The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Private Parts: Aging, AI, and the…
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