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Guest Prof. Eugène Loos to offer a conference on senior citizens and information accessibility at the IN3-UOC, Barcelona

The Mobile Communication, Economy & Society Research Program (CMES) of the IN3-UOC is hosting for the public talk Prof. Dr. Eugène F. Loos, from the University of Amsterdam, will give next April 11th in Barcelona, Spain (one of the places where the Ageing Communication Media network has presence). The title of the conference is “Senior […]

Dr. Catherine Middleton and Dr. Tamara Shepherd will attend CRTC hearing

Dr. Catherine Middleton and Dr. Tamara Shepherd will be attending the upcoming Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) hearing which will take place in Gatineau, Quebec, February 11th, 2013.  This hearing is part of a larger process which included a call for comments about the creation of a wireless code for mobile wireless service providers. […]

Call for Papers- At a Critical Age: The Social and Political Organization of Age and Ageing

The journal Organization Studies has issued a call for papers for a special issue entitled “At a Critical Age: The Social and Political Organization of Age and Ageing.”  The guest editors include Susan Ainsworth (University of Melbourne), Leanne Cutcher (University of Sydney), Cynthia Hardy (University of Melbourne), and Robyn Thomas (University of Cardiff).  The deadline for submissions […]

Bibliography Compiled by the Society for the Social Study of Mobile Comm

The Society for the Social Study of Mobile Comm created a document, which is posted on the website: http://www.sociomobile.org/publications/cmcs_archive.html, which focuses on research in the field of Mobile Communication Studies.  It includes publications and previous call for papers. For the full bibliography, click here.

CFP-The Tablet Symposium: Examining New Media Objects

The Centre for Material Digital Culture is hosting a symposium at the University of Sussex entitled “The Table Symposium: Examining New Media Objects.”  The one-day symposium will take place April 10th, 2013 and abstracts are due by January 15th, 2013.  For a full call for papers, click here.

CFP: International Conference on Qualitative Research in Communication

The International Conference on Qualitative Research in Communication, organized by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration and the University of Lower Silesia, will be held October 3-4, 2013 in Bucharest, Romania.  Abstracts of a maximum of 500 words are due March 15th, 2013.  For more information on the conference and a full […]

Intervention for CRTC Wireless Code

The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) recently issued a call for comments  about the creation of “a mandatory code for mobile wireless service providers to address the clarity and content of mobile wireless service contracts and related issues for consumers” (call for comments, p.1).  Dr. Catherine Middleton, Dr. Tamara Shepherd, Dr. Leslie Regan Shade, […]

Call for Papers- Differential Mobilities

The Mobile Media Lab in the Communication Studies Department at Concordia University in Montreal will be hosting a conference entitled “Differential Mobilities: Movement and Mediation in Networked Societies.”  The conference will be held in Montreal from May 8th-13th, 2013. The deadline for abstracts is November 21st, 2012. For a full call for papers and more […]

CFP: Mobile Communications 10th Anniversary Pre-Conference Workshop

The Mobile Communications 10th Anniversary Pre-Conference Workshop has issued a call for papers for their workshop to be held from June 16th-17th, 2013 at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Media and Communications Department. A 250-500 word abstract and 50 word bio are due by November 16th, 2012 and should be sent to […]