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Statistical Summary on Ageing and ICTS

By Daniel Blanche

ACT’s members often need statistical data about demographic trends, contextual information, and the spread, access, and use of ICT. To make the consultation of data easier and faster, the Working Group of Statistical Data produced a series of fact sheets that summarize the information that researchers may be looking for in this respect.

Perpetuating exclusion in Wikipedia

Wikipedia has become an indispensable source of online information for students and researchers because of its ease of use as well as its reputation as a user-generated encyclopaedia of shared knowledge. But is it? Our research suggests a much more complicated and twisted tale. Wikipedia is a space of negotiation, contestation and struggles over inclusion and exclusion into “encyclopedic” knowledge.

La précarité, l’âge et le genre au Québec

Au Canada, plusieurs femmes canadiennes continuent de dépendre sur des programmes d’assistance comme le supplément de revenu garanti (SRG) ou le revenu à la retraite de leur conjoint. Le fait d’être une femme retraitée accentue le risque de recevoir le SRG de 91% mais la présence d’un conjoint, réduit le risque de le recevoir de […]

Murray Forman on Age and Hip-Hop

Dr. Murray Forman has been named an Inaugural Nasir Jones Fellow by the W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute at the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University.

Line Grenier presented at CEFAN on Ageing and Singing in Public

On October 10, 2014, Line Grenier of the Université de Montréal presented at CEFAN (Chaire des études francophones en Amérique du Nord). The theme of this year’s conference was speech in the city. Her presentation was titled “La musique populaire en action: Chanter et vieillir en public” (Popular Music in Action: Signing and Ageing in […]