October 26: Live stream of “Ageing, the digital and everyday life”

On Friday, October 26th 2018 join us for the live stream of Ageing, the Digital and Everyday Life, a one day seminar held at Brunel University London in the United Kingdom. The stream begins at 10:30am BST. 

The speakers are an interdisciplinary group of academics and researchers from the arts, the social sciences and Science and Technology Studies (STS) and include both members of the ACT partnership, and wider international colleagues whose work focuses on ageing, the digital and everyday life. The seminar will provide an opportunity to examine and review the study of ageing, the digital and everyday life from a wide range of perspectives and to critically explore future challenges and possibilities. The seminar is organized by Wendy Martin (Brunel University London) and Paul Higgs (University College London).

A full programme is available here.

ACT members will appear at CRTC hearings on October 23, 2018

Kim Sawchuk, Anne Caines, and Kendra Besanger will travel to Gatineau, QC to participate in the CRTC’s public hearing on Canadian telecommunication companies’ aggressive and misleading sales tactics.

ACT will present findings from their recent report, Experiences of Older Adults with Abusive Sales Practices of Canadian Telecommunication Providers.

Read more about the full intervention here.

ACT network members’ recent publications

We are happy to share a list of ACT network members’ publications that have been released within the past few months.

May Chazan, Melissa Baldwin, and Patricia Evans (2018) – Unsettling Activisms: Critical Interventions on Aging, Gender, and Social Change. Women’s Press/ Canadian Scholars’ Press. The book launch will take place on October 27 in Peterborough, ON.

Stephen Katz (2018)- “The Greatest Band that Never Was: Music, Memory and Boomer Biography” in Popular Music and Society. 

Jane Traies (2018) – Now You See Me. Tollington Press

Lisa Carver (2018) – “Why life insurance companies want your Fitbit data” in the Conversation Canada.

Loredana Ivan, Ioana Schiau and Corina Buzoianu (2018) – “The Use of a Drawing Tool to Assess the Implicit Ageism of Students” in Slovensky Narodopis

Oded Zafrani and Galit Nimrod (2018) – “Towards a Holistic Approach to Studying Human-Robot Interaction in Later Life” in The Gerontologist.


Expanding our understanding of activism(s) by sharing stories of older activists

In their recently released book, Unsettling Activisms: Critical Interventions on Aging, Gender, and Social Change (Women’s Press, 2018), editors May Chazan, Melissa Baldwin, and Patricia Evans present compelling reasons why our common perceptions of activisms and activists need to be expanded; specifically, expanded to include the work of older women activists.