Kick-off seminar: “Between the Normal and the Abnormal – Cultural Meanings of Dementia and Old Age in Finland and Russia”

University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu campus, Agora building, Yliopistokatu 4, ​​​​​Auditorium AG106 Program

Tuesday 13 December 2016

10.15 Opening of the seminar
Project leader, professor Maija Könönen, UEF
10.30–11.30 Cultural changes in dementia: Stigmatization and everyday life
Ph.D, director Christine Swane, EGV-Social Inclusion of Older People, Copenhagen
11.30–12.30 Memory and self in dementia and later life depression
Ph.D, Senior Researcher Marja Saarenheimo, The Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older People
13.30–14.30 On Attitudes towards old people and ageing in Russia
Ph.D, Postdoctoral researcher Julia Zelikova, St. Petersburg
15.00–16.00 Transnational babushka: grandmothers and family making between Russian Karelia and Finland
D.Soc.Sc, Postdoctoral researcher Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir, University of Turku
Wednesday 14 December 2016
9.15–12.00 Workshop & presentations
9.30–10.00 Sociological dimensions of agency of the persons living with dementia
Professor Jyrki Jyrkämä, University of Jyväskylä
10.15–10.30 On-screen Representations of Alzheimer’s and Dementia: A Work in Progress Report
Professor Andrei Rogatchevski, University of Tromsø
10.30–12.00 Discussion and closing of the seminar Welcome!
Seminar is organized by the research project Between the Normal and the Abnormal – Cultural Meanings of Dementia and Old Age in Finland and Russia (2016–2019), lead by professor Maija Könönen (Russian culture, School of Humanities, UEF) and funded by The Kone Foundation.
Contacts: Sinikka Vakimo, p. 050 4424 377, (Sinikka.Vakimo(at)​