CFP: BSA Ageing, Body and Society Study Group

BSA Ageing, Body and Society Study Group 7th Annual Conference: Ageing and Culture

 Friday 26th February 2016

MICRA, University of Manchester

This year the Ageing, Body and Society study group is holding its annual day conference in Manchester, in collaboration with MICRA, University of Manchester. The theme of the day is Ageing and Culture. We will also be celebrating the publication of The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology:

We are delighted to welcome a keynote address by Professor Andy Bennett (Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia) entitled ‘Music Scenes and Ageing Bodies’ and a plenary panel on Cultural Gerontology.


Our aim is to bring together academics and researchers from the arts and humanities, the sociology of ageing and social gerontology to provide a critical analysis of key perspectives and debates, and consider avenues for future agendas, within the field of cultural gerontology.We encourage researchers to share their perspectives on ‘ageing and culture’ and welcome abstracts on different theoretical and methodological approaches, emergent ideas, work in progress, practitioner perspectives, and empirical findings. Abstracts from the core concerns and focus of the study group are also welcome.

Call for Abstracts

The British Sociological Association and MICRA invites submissions to its Ageing, Body and Society study group 7th Annual Conference 2016: Ageing and Culture. We invite abstracts for posters and oral presentations that will be 15-20 minutes in length.

Abstracts of 250 words should be submitted before midnight on Tuesday 15th December 2015 online at:

Further Information:


We look forward to hearing from you

Wendy and Julia (Twigg)

CFP: Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference 2016

Call for Papers
Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference 2016
May 28, 29, 30, 31 2016.
University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta

“Energizing Communities” is the theme of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS) 2016 Congress within which the Canadian Communication Association (CCA) will hold its Annual Conference, May 28-31 at the University of Calgary, Alberta ( We are calling for proposals that explore, critique and extend this theme as well as for proposals on any other themes relevant to Communication Studies.

We invite scholars and professionals to submit proposals that develop the range and depth of scholarship in communication studies. Proposals may take the form of:

Single-paper presentations – Regular stream
Panels (maximum of 4 papers)
Roundtables or Workshops
Single-paper presentations – Graduate Master’s Sessions (Optional for Master’s students only)

Deadline for Submission of Proposals: January 11, 2016
Please note the submission deadlines for the 2016 conference are final and will not be extended.

Submission Details
In order to present a paper at the conference, you must be a member of the Canadian Communication Association. Membership dues must be paid by March 2nd 2016 in order to be included in the final program. If you are not already a member and wish to join the CCA, please visit the Membership section of the CCA website (
Proposals can be submitted online at or

Participants may only present one paper at the conference. While you may be listed as a secondary author on another co-authored paper, papers must be presented by one of the other authors. Those who present a paper (submitted individually or as part of a pre-constituted panel) may also act as a participant in a workshop or roundtable.
All proposals will be peer-reviewed by the conference organizing committee.

Presenters must:
1. Identify from the list of topics a maximum of three areas within which their submission is situated.
2. Include with their submission five (5) keywords from the key word index provided by the Canadian Journal of Communication (see…/journal/about/submissions…)

Topic Areas:
➢ International Communication and Development
➢ Journalism and News
➢ Media History
➢ Organizational and Interpersonal Communication
➢ Policy, Regulation and Governance
➢ Political Communications
➢ Public Relations and Advertising
➢ Representation, Race/Ethnicity and Culture
➢ Sexuality and Gender
➢ Technology and Emerging Media
➢ Theory and Ethics
➢ Visual Communication

Paper proposals must include:
➢ Author’s name, rank/status, and affiliation. Please use full first name (not an initial) and properly capitalize all names.
➢ Paper title. Please be brief because longer titles may be truncated during the online submission process.
➢ An abstract (between 400 and 500 words) outlining: the research object, problem or question; the findings, argument or inquiry to be developed; the method of analysis used; the significance of what is proposed in relation to existing scholarship in the field. Do not submit a list of bibliographical references.

Panel proposals should be submitted by the panel chair, and must include:
➢ Chair’s name, rank/status, and affiliation. Please use full first name (not an initial) and properly capitalize all names.
➢ Panel title. Please be brief because longer titles may be truncated during the online submission process.
➢ An abstract (between 400 and 500 words) for the panel outlining: the research object, problem or question; a list of the presenters and papers (maximum 4) to be included in the panel; and the significance of the panel in relation to existing scholarship in the field. Do not submit a list of bibliographical references.
➢ Every panel participant must submit a separate paper proposal, as above, for each paper included in the panel – i.e., Author’s name, rank/status, and affiliation; Paper title; abstract; and the title of the panel of which they are participating.

Roundtable proposals should be submitted by the roundtable chair, and must include:
➢ Chair’s name, rank/status, and affiliation. Please use full first name (not an initial) and properly capitalize all names.
➢ Roundtable title. Please be brief because longer titles may be truncated during the online submission process.
➢ An abstract (between 400 and 500 words) outlining: the workshop theme, problem or question; a list of the presenters to be included in the roundtable and a brief indication of their contribution; the significance of the roundtable in relation to existing scholarship in the field. Do not submit a list of bibliographical references.
➢ Every roundtable participant must submit a separate paper proposal, as above, for each contribution in the roundtable – i.e., Author’s name, rank/status, and affiliation; contribution title; abstract; and the title of the roundtable in which they are participating.

Audiovisual support will include a data projector and screen only. Participants are required to provide their own laptops, and any additional equipment.

Master’s students interested in taking part in the conference have the option of submitting proposals to either the regular stream or the Graduate Master’s Sessions (GMS) but not to both. Only one submission is permitted. Submissions declined from the regular stream will not qualify for presentation in the GMS.

GMS sessions are intended to provide a professionalization opportunity for students who wish to gain experience and mentoring in the area of conference presentations. .
In mid-April 2015, GMS participants will be informed by email to whom to send their finalized papers.

Completed papers should:
➢ Be 6,000-7,000 words in length (i.e. 20-25 pages) excluding the cover page and bibliography
➢ Have a cover page that includes: the title of the article, the author’s name, her/his institutional affiliation and address, and email address.
➢ Be double-spaced.
➢ Be typed, using Times New Roman 12 pt font.
➢ Have page numbers
➢ Be referenced using the Canadian Journal of Communication referencing format (see…/journal/about/submissions…)
The deadline for GMS participants to submit their completed papers to their panel chairs is 4 p.m. Friday April 29, 2016. Papers received after date/time will not be included in the GMS sessions.

The CCA has limited funds to help defray the travel costs of student participants. Details are available at

Important Deadlines

Submission of proposals: January 11, 2016

Beaverbrook Media@McGill Student Paper Prize: April 1, 2016
Nominated papers should be sent electronically (.pdf format) to Prof. Penelope Ironstone, CCA President ( Title page must indicate paper’s title, the author’s name, contact info, university affiliation, and degree status.

CRTC Prize for Excellence in Policy Research: January 15, 2016
Papers should be sent electronically (.pdf format) to Prof. Daniel J. Paré, CCA Vice President ( For eligibility and full submission details, please refer to the guidelines at:…/CRTC-CCA%20Prize%20TermsofReference…

Gertrude J. Robinson Book Prize: March 4, 2015
Nominations should be sent electronically to Prof. Penelope Ironstone, CCA President (, and must indicate the book’s title, author, publisher, date of publication and author’s complete affiliation and contact information.

Conference Chair
Daniel J. Paré, CCA Vice-President
Associate Professor
Department of Communication School of Information Studies (ÉSIS), & Institute for Science, Society, and Policy (ISSP)
University of Ottawa

Local Arrangements Coordinator
Rebecca Sullivan
Department of English
University of Calgary

CFP: Transmediations! Communication across Media Borders

Call for papers
The Linnæus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) invites researchers and research students to attend the conference Transmediations! Communication across Media Borders arranged at Linnæus University, campus Växjö, Sweden, 13–15 October 2016 (from Thursday 9.30 am to Saturday 4 pm).

The conference Transmediations! will include keynote speeches by Gunther Kress, João Queiroz, and Marie-Laure Ryan.

Official language of the conference is English. Each paper will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. Proposals for both individual papers and preconfigured sessions of two or three papers are welcome. There will be a strict selection of papers. As our goal is to attract participants from a broad area of research, papers and session with a marked interdisciplinary approach will be prioritized.

Call for papers in full (can also be found on the conference website)
Conference website

Please send your abstract (around 300 words, including an informative title and a short bio) to The conference fee is 100€, which will cover lunches, a conference dinner, and other arrangements.


Please note that Linnæus University will be releasing a new homepage on February 15, 2016. As a result the current conference page will also be moved, but can continuously be reached on the direct link

Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2016.
Notification of acceptance: 18 March 2016.
Publication of preliminary conference program: 3 June 2016.
Deadline for registration and conference fee: 1 September 2016.

CfP – Futures of the End of Life: Mobilities of Loss and Commemoration in the Digital Economy

21-22 January Institute for Social Futures, Lancaster University, UK

This two-day symposium brings together critically and creatively engaged perspectives on how our physical and social deaths are becoming increasingly entangled within the webs of our technologically mediated lives. The aim is to address technologies not as passive tools but as configurations that emerge out of complex, socially situated design, development and appropriation processes.

Speakers include 

Paul Coulton, Professor of Speculative and Game Design, Lancaster University; Selina Ellis Gray, PhD, Lancaster University; Fiorenza Gamba, Associate Professor of Sociology, Sapienza University of Rome; Wendy Moncur, Reader in Socio-Digital Interaction, Dundee University; Stacey Pitsillides, Lecturer in Design, Goldsmith’s University of London; Corina Sas, Senior Lecturer in Computing, Lancaster University; Linda Woodhead, Professor of Sociology of Religion, Lancaster University;   


Call for Papers/Participation:


We invite contributions that bring analytical, critical, practice-based and creative insights to the use, design and development of technologies entangled at the end of life. Theoretical, empirical, practical and design or art-based research and approaches are welcome. 


Themes may include:


The digital economies of death, dying, commemoration and loss

Dying online or digital mediations of death

Personalization and hybridization of rituals, digital memorialization, mourning practices

Digital afterlives, agency and the social presence of the dead

Digital remains, digital legacy or peri or post mortem data

The multiple physical, informational, imaginative mobilities of death, loss and memory

The multiplying temporalities of practices, memories, experiences

Methodological considerations, e.g. ethics, privacy, value sensitive design

Please submit a 300 word abstract to For artworks or design proposals we also invite examples of practice, images or sketches. Please include full contact information, name, affiliation and email address in the submission. If you have any questions, please contact


Important information



Submission Deadline: 14th December 2015

Notification of Acceptance: 21st December 2015

Registration by 4th January 2016

Full programme and more information:



Monika Büscher

Professor of Sociology

Director Centre for Mobilities Research

Associate Director for the Institute for Social Futures

Department of Sociology

Lancaster University



email: m.buscher(at) 


mobile: 07890 847166

Twitter: @mbuscher


SecInCoRe project: 

Catalyst project: