• Lancement: Les mains au bout du fil

    You are invited to the launch of the ACT-sponsored film Fingers on The Line (Les mains au bout du fil) on Octobre 8 2015 at 6:45 at the Centre St-Pierre, 1212 Panet Street, Montreal near Beaudry metro station. Fingers on The Line is a film by Line Grenier, Véro Leduc and Pamela Witcher that explores […]

    October 8, 2015

  • Annual ACT Meeting in Bucharest

    September 26, 2015

  • Qualitative Research Conference in Bucharest

    ACT is sponsoring the Qualitative Research Conference held in Bucharest, Romania. More information on participants from ACT to come.

    September 23, 2015

  • ACT and CREGÉS at Congrès international des recherches féministes dans la francophonies

    August 25, 2015

  • Silver Gaming Intergenerational Summer School

    The ACT Silver Gaming Intergenerational Summer School (SGISS), organized by Margarida Romero, will be held from August 21-22 2015 at the Université Laval in Québec City, Québec. SGISS will bring together students, elders and scholars in activities that aim to explore intergenerational digital creation activities as well as to exchange on the conception, the development […]

    August 21, 2015

  • Silver Gaming Summer School at Université Laval

    August 21, 2015

  • HCI in LA: New Media in the Everyday Life of Older People

    Five members of ACT are participating in a joint panel on “New Media in the Everyday Life of Older People” at the Human Computer Interaction conference in Los Angeles, California. The chair of the panel Eugène Loos from Utrecht University, will also present on “Constructing Third Age eHealth Consumers by Using Personas from a Cultural […]

    August 5, 2015

  • ACTipedia at the IAMCR

    Maude Gauthier and Kim Sawchuk of Concordia University will present on “ACTipedia: addressing the invisibility of critical ageing studies on Wikipedia” at the International Association for Media and Communication Research to be held in Montreal from July 12 to 16 2015. Abstract: The recent efforts of activist academics, such as FEMTECHNET, to transform the representation of women […]

    July 12, 2015

  • 'Grannie's on Facebook' presented in Bournemouth, UK

    ‘Grannie’s on Facebook: Using Online Research Methods (Netnography) to Study Family Leisure’. Co-authored paper presentation by ACT researchers Loredana Ivan and Shannon Hebblethwaite at the Leisure Studies Association conference in Bournemouth, UK. .

    July 8, 2015

  • Music and Ageing at IASPM

    Murray Forman or Northeastern University and Line Grenier of Université Montréal are jointly hosting the workshop “Music & Ageing” at the annual conference of the Canadian Branch of the International Assocation for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-Canada).

    June 29, 2015

  • Graz Summer School

    Seven students sponsored by ACT will participate in a module on Critical Mediations of Ageing to be given at the Graz Summer School Seggau held in Austria from June 28 to July 11. Kim Sawchuk, Director of ACT will be responsible for teaching the module.

    June 28, 2015

  • Information session: Digital Music-Making Club for Seniors

    On Friday, June 19 at 12pm, Eric Craven (Atwater Library) and Line Grenier (Université de Montréal) are organizing a welcome and information session for a new season of the Digital Music-Making for Seniors. The new ACT-funded project will bring elders from the Montreal community. Through music labs and instruction, older individuals, communities, and scholars will be immersed in a creative […]

    June 19, 2015

  • Local Montreal Partner Meeting

    The Ageing and Agency axis is organizing an all-day meeting at Concordia University in Montreal, gathering local community partners, corporate partners, researchers and students to discuss intersecting interests and opportunities for community-based emerging projects.

    June 16, 2015

  • ACT panel at CCA--New Media, Older People: age, narrative and normativities

    New Media, Older People: age, narrative and normativities / Nouveaux médias, personnes âgées : âge, narration et normativités Canadian Communication Association conference University of Ottawa June 4, 2015, 8:30-1o:00 Site STE/F0126 Kim Sawchuk & Constance Lafontaine “Precarious Ageing: Questioning Access, Creating Interaction” Line Grenier & Véronique Leduc, Université de Montréal “Ageing, Deafhood And Technologies: Exploring […]

    June 4, 2015

  • Older People and Digital Isolation

    The goal of this workshop is to provide an analytical space that puts together relevant actors coming from the academic, governmental, third sector, and design fields interested in debating on the potential role of information and communication technologies –especially social media– in palliating the social isolation older people may experience. This workshop is held under […]

    May 28, 2015

  • ICA panel "Active Aging," Media, and Communication in San Juan

    An ICA 2015 panel features ACT co-applicants Eugène Loos and Line Grenier and affiliated researcher Galit Nimrod. “Active Aging and Internet Use Among Dutch Older Adults” Marja Aartsen, University of Amsterdam Eugène F. Loos, University of Amsterdam “‘Actively Ageing’ Through Music? Analyzing Popular Music Events Featuring Seniors” Line Grenier, Université de Montréal “The (Unexpected) Benefits of Online Dating […]

    May 25, 2015

  • NANAS conference

    ACT partner the North American (NANAS) is holding a conference in Oxford, Ohio on the theme of Aging and Age Studies: Foundations and Formations. More information, including the programme, is available here.  

    May 19, 2015

  • Miriea Fernández-Ardèvol at the 4th Conference on Elderly and New Technologies

    Miriea Fernández-Ardèvol participated in the 4th Conference on Elderly and New Technologies, organized by Jaume I University, between the 13th and 15th of May 2015 in the city of Castelló, Spain. More information on her May 13 presentation is available here.

    May 13, 2015

  • ACT GB Meeting

    May 5, 2015

  • COST Action Network Meeting

    ACT members Kim Sawchuk, Shannon Hebblethwaite, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol and Constance Lafontaine are participating in the COST Action Network meeting in Dublin.

    April 27, 2015

  • International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Congress 2015 in Dublin

    Several members of ACT present at the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2015 held in Dublin, Ireland. Shannon Hebblethwaite: Grannies on the Net: Facilitating Intergenerational Family Communication Through Facebook Paul Higgs: Personhood and The Fourth Age Julia Twigg: Dress and Age: What About Men?

    April 23, 2015

  • RECAA receives Concordia Engaged Scholar Award for community partner

    April 9, 2015

  • Ageing (with) animals

    ACT is organizing a brainstorming day on the theme of Ageing (with) animals on Saturday, April 4th, 2015 on the SGW campus of Concordia University in Montreal from 10 am to 3 pm. Humans share life courses with other species: often willingly with cats, dogs and other “pets” in tightly tangled relationships. We age with pets. And […]

    April 4, 2015

  • Line Grenier on Popular Music in Action: Singing and Ageing in Public

    ACT researcher Line Grenier is presenting on the topic of “Popular music in action: Singing and ageing in public” at BRAMS, the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research.  

    March 26, 2015

  • Op-Ed workshop

    ACT is participating in an Op-ed writing workshop led by the OpEd Project which seeks “to increase the range of voices and quality of ideas we hear in the world.” The workshop was held at Concordia University and organized by the Centre for Ethnographic Research and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Violence (CEREV).

    March 21, 2015