World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 2019
Planetary Abuse……Elder Abuse
A Solidarity Walk and Awareness Raising on the Climate Crisis and its impact on Seniors world wide and locally
Date: June 20, 2019.
13:00 -14:00 Meet in Cabot Square (Atwater Metro, across from
Atwater Library)
14:00-15:00 Solidarity walk down St. Catherine’s Street
15:00-17:00 Meet at EV Bldg. Concordia University 11th floor (1515 St.
Catherine W.) for talks and exchanges between scientists, activists and
We welcome seniors from community centres, family, friends and
activists to join our Solidarity Walk. Bring your umbrellas, sun hats and
banners. Let’s break our collective silence and fight the climate crisis
that affects us all!
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 2019 Planetary Abuse……Elder Abuse Connecting the Dots Early in the summer of 2018, Montreal suffered a deadly heat wave. Like many other cities, Montreal faced scorching temperatures. The heat claimed 66 lives, 43 of which were seniors. In a report from the Director General of Public Health analyzing the heat wave, Dr. Mylène Drouin identified two factors that made someone more susceptible to the rising temperatures: social isolation and a previously diagnosed chronic disease. The elderly are more likely to suffer from both. The tragedies of the 2018 heat wave happened in a flash. Montreal suffers from an average 8 days of over 30 degree C temperatures. According to the Climate Atlas of Canada, the average number of unbearably hot days between 2021 and 2050 is 23. If 66 people died last year with only 8 scorching days, consider how many would suffer with a heat wave with almost three times its length. “Without strong commitments to include older people and other vulnerable groups in decision making and the development of targeted strategies to adapt to a changing climate, they will be further marginalised and pushed to the edge of safety and survival. The full participation of people of all ages in these strategies is essential to their success.” -Help Age International This year RECAA draws attention to the impact of the climate crisis on seniors globally and locally. Floods, fires, droughts, and extreme weather conditions are daily events that have devastating consequences for millions of elders. We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines and to consider this irreversible. RECAA has spent more than 15 years raising awareness of the hidden, wide spread mistreatment of seniors, aiding them to “Break the Silence” and to stand together against this continuing abuse of the elderly in our society. On June 20th let’s add our actions against Elder Abuse resulting from Planetary Abuse!
For more information: RECAA, (514)-746-5960, recaa.montreal@gmail.com