The Aging Activisms Media Capsules Workshop has its genesis at the Aging Activisms Symposium held at Trent in October of 2015. Responding to a call from participants to continue the conversations and build relationships, May Chazan (Trent) partnered with Kim Sawchuk from ACT and a number of their talented grad students and associates, to dream up this interactive workshop.
The goal of the workshop, which took place from April 29-May 2, 2016, was to learn how to co-create a series of media capsules that record our individual histories with activism. In groups of three, we became interviewers, interviewees and photographers, as we shared our stories with each other. Over four days, we worked through a process of interviewing each other, recording these interviews, and editing these together with visuals and photographs. We also gathered for a number of roundtable discussions, delicious meals, ice breaker games, yoga, and cultural outings.
See completed media capsules here: http://www.agingactivisms.org/media-capsules