Chui Yin Wong


Chui Yin Wong is Senior Lecturer in the Interface Design (ID) Department, Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM), Multimedia University (MMU) Malaysia. She also plays a role as an Industrial R&D Liaison for ID. Her research interests are interface design, usability, user experience, interaction design, user and design research, inclusive design, mobile technologies, and Human-Computer Interaction.

Chui Yin is the Malaysia country representative for IFIP TC13: Human-Computer Interaction. In addition, she also serves as the Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Currently, she is leading a Special Interest Group (SIG) on Universal Usability and Interaction Design (UUID) at MMU.

In 2008, she was the conference secretary for Human Factors in Telecommunication (HFT2008). She has been serving as a Program Committee and/or reviewer for many journals and international conferences in these areas. Her previous project on ‘mobile social network application: MOM-i’, funded by Malaysian Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), won a Silver award under Multimedia category at an international exhibition ITEX 2009. Currently, she is leading several government and industry funded projects. Some of her current projects are ‘Usability of Mobile User Interface for Older Adults in Malaysia’, ‘Senior Grid: Portraying extraordinary lives’. She can be reached at

Un jour ou l'autre


The aim of this documentary film-based research-creation project is to explore the processes of  an elderly couple making the life-altering transition from their home into a retirement residence. This research-creation project poses a series of questions: What does ageing mean for elderly people living in rural Québec? How do they experience the transition from home to residency? Why are they moving?  The film provides a small window into this predicament as a part of what it means to age, what creates a sense of home and how can we grow old together. Using a hybrid method approach, the project presents alternative images and narratives for understanding  changes throughout the life course.“From Home to Residency” connects with specific experiences and lived realities to a larger social context, dominant discourses and perspectives about ageing to offer the audience insight into this particular moment in life. It challenges and situates the performance of reminiscence in the film, as not merely a return to the past, but as a way to move forward into the future from the position of the present.


L’objectif de mon projet de recherche-création est d’explorer, via la production d’un film documentaire, le processus de déménagement d’un couple d’aîné-es quittant leur maison pour aller habiter dans une résidence pour personnes âgées, dans la région du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean. Ce projet pose une série de questions générales: Comment ce couple d’aîné-es appréhende-t-il cette transition? Quelles sont les raisons d’un déménagement en résidence? Qu’est-ce que vieillir signifie pour ce couple, à cette étape particulière du parcours de vie? Sans tenter d’offrir une réponse définitive à ce questionnement, Un départ vers la résidence tente d’explorer la manière dont on peut comprendre le vieillissement, le sens du chez-soi ainsi qu’un «vieillir ensemble». Adoptant une méthodologie hybride, le projet tente d’explorer certaines histoires alternatives re/présentées chez ce couple d’aîné-es, à travers leur parcours de vie. Cette recherche-création propose donc une réflexion basée sur les expériences vécues du couple pour mieux comprendre une certaine réalité du vieillissement et savoir s’il est possible de s’éloigner de la perspective réductionniste et pessimiste que cette transition suggère. Finalement, mon intention est de voir comment la production documentaire peut offrir à différents auditoires un regard sur ce moment particulier dans la vie d’un couple d’aîné-es ancré dans le présent et tourné vers le futur.

Mapping Québec on Media Ageing

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Dans la foulée du lancement de la première politique publique sur le vieillissement au Québec en mai 2012, intitulée Vieillir et vivre ensemble. Chez soi, dans sa communautéau Québec ce projet vise à produire une réflexion critique sur les façons dont le vieillissement est posé comme défi collectif et projet politique.  À partir d’une étude de cette politique, de même que de sa résonance dans les médias et sur le web (à partir des documents publiés à la fois en français, en anglais et en espagnol), Il s’agit de tenter de comprendre le discours social sur le vieillissement tel qu’il est notamment produit par des institutions publiques, des groupes communautaires et des associations parapubliques.

Chronologie du projet

Printemps 2012

Analyses préliminaires descriptives de la politique publique Vieillir et vivre ensemble par Fannie Valois-Nadeau et de sa réception médiatique par Alvaro Herrera.

Participation de Line Grenier et Fannie Valois-Nadeau au premier colloque Vieillir c’est vivre. Le vieillissement comme vous ne l’avez jamais vu  de l’Association québécoise des  établissements de santé et de services sociaux (AQESSS), Montréal, Québec.

[su_column size=”1/3″ last=”1″]Researchers: Fannie Valois-Nadeau and Alvaro Herrera


This project is funded by Partnership Development Grants SSHRC

Ageing and/as Enduring

[su_column size=”2/3″ last=”0″]Tortues

Ageing and/as Enduring: Discussing with “Turtles [that] don’t die of old age”

“Turtles do not die of old age” (Films de la tortue, 2010, is a documentary film that examines the everyday life of three elderly men in northern Morocco: Chehma, a former fisherman, Erradi a solitary innkeeper, and Abdesslam, a travelling musician.  The film’s producers, Hind Benchekroun and Sami Mermer give voice to these men as they slowly go about their activities, reflecting on life, death, and ageing.  They don’t do so by simply standing behind the camera to film these subjects  and to record their testimonies. As 24 Images critic Serge Abiaad (2011) argues, they film “with” the participants.

Adopting a similar approach, this paper discusses “with” the film, rather than merely talking about the film and its producers. Entering into dialogue with the film,  I explore some of the issues surrounding ageing and “old age”.  How does the capacity of the film as cultural product and fragment of public discourse,  bring these  to the fore?  More specifically, I explore the performativity of different media, objects and technologies in the life of the film’s three protagonists. The latter, I suggest, are instrumental to the ways in which these men establish, modify, and maintain various forms of connection to their world, their families, their home, and their work.  Through these media and the iterative social relations they make possible these men, and their practices, endure.  Following Isabelle Stengers (2005:48, 44), I consider endurance as the achievement of that which, through its adventures, “goes on mattering,” thereby “succeed[ing] in maintaining some thread of conformity between past and present”.

Chronologie du projet

Printemps 2012

Présentation par Line Grenier, Ageing and/as Enduring: A Discussion with Turtles [that] do not die of old age, Canadian Communication Association (CCA), Laurier University, Waterloo (Ont.).

Été 2012

Rédaction par Line Grenier “Ageing and/as Enduring: A Discussion with Turtles [that] do not die of old age” TEM2012, Online edition of the proceedings of the Technology and Emerging Media division of the Canadian Communication Association.

[su_column size=”1/3″ last=”1″]Researcher: Line Grenier

This project is funded by Partnership Development Grants SSHRC


Activist Ageing

From 2011-2014, the Mobile Media Lab-Montreal (ACM) collaborated with RECAA (Respecting Elders: Communities Against elder Abuse) on a variety of digital media projects. In April 2014, RECAA became a key community partner of ACT. RECAA and ACT are now sharing office space in the ACT headquarters in downtown Montreal.

RECAA came together ten years ago to raise awareness of elder abuse within ethno-cultural communities and to foster a “culture of respect” towards the elderly. Members of RECAA practice Forum Theatre as an alternative model for discussing sensitive issues within the context of ethnocultural difference in Québec. Founded by Brazilian dramaturge Augusto Boal in the 1970’s, Forum Theatre presents short scenes that are non-verbal. A dialogue then takes place with the audience. Audience members are thought of as “spect-actors” and they work with the actors in RECAA to find solutions to the complex dilemmas presented.

RECAA plays a vital role within the ACT network. ACT’s long-term collaboration with RECAA is called “Activist Ageing and Digital Media.” The goal of this suite of projects, developed together with RECAA, is to translate RECAA’s methods for face-to-face communication into appropriate digital media forms and formats.

Our collaboration has gone through several phases (see below).

In this first phase the Mobile Media Lab (MML) and the Atwater Library and Computer Centre (ALCC) worked with RECAA on the basics of digital filming and editing. In exchange, the ACM/MML learned about elder abuse and became aware of the strong connection between the ACM/MML’s commitment to participatory media practice and Forum Theatre methods.


1. RECAA’s first video. A five minute film “Respecting Our Elders” filmed by members of RECAA, with editing guidance from Sophie Guérin.

2. A slide show showing images of the history of RECAA was  presented on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

3. Event.  A collaboration on the production of World Elder Abuse Awareness day that involved multiple “acts,” great food, and a spectacular series of portraits of participating elders. This RECAA event was produced in collaboration with COPSI, the ALCC and the MML. It was attended by over one hundred people and provided a wonderful way to showcase seniors’ energy and commitment to social change.

This past year RECAA received a New Horizons grant on ageism and inter-generationality called “The Golden Feedback Loop.”  As well as continuing their training in filming and editing with the MML, the grant enabled RECAA to develop new Forum with students from James Lyng High School and new workshops with artist-in-residence Lib Spry. Kim and Sophie were elected to the Board of RECAA at RECAA’s Annual General Meeting in October, 2012.


1. Videos. Several new video productions are in process and will be presented at World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in June.

2. RECAA on Youtube.  RECAA published their first Youtube video, a moving analysis by Susie Raphals (who moved to Montreal from the US ten years ago) on guns and the misinterpretation of the American Constitution’s Second Amendment by associations such as the National Rifle Association (NRA). Filmed on an iPhone by Susie’s friend and RECAA coordinator Anne Caines, Susie powerfully addresses the United States Congress with her point of view and arguments. Susie died four days after the video was shot and these are her parting words to President Obama.

3. RECAA On-Line. The RECAA website, Facebook page, and domain name are under construction and being populated with digital content created by RECAA.

4. A paper. Tactical Mediatization, forthcoming in the Dutch Journal, MediaCulture. The abstract is here:

5. Events. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: June 13, 2013 at Salle communautaire Galeries du Parc.

The MML/ACM will collaborate with RECAA on a New Horizons project this coming Fall. Inspired by Anne and Susie’s YouTube video, the focus of the grant will be on the use of social networking and mobile media by RECAA elders. RECAA will use everyday mobile devices to document the history of ageing and activism in Montreal through the stories of  elder-activists who have played foundational roles in initiating and maintaining a vibrant network of community-based organizations for seniors whose contributions to the life of the city have gone undocumented and are often overlooked.

With the MML’s  commitment to teaching digital literacy in a creative and participatory manner, our collaboration with RECAA underscores the intersection between participatory theatre as method.

Our work with RECAA offers theoretical insight on the use of digital technologies by an activist organization of elders and the willingness and capacity of elders to learn new skills. It also provides us with a deeper understanding of the question and existence of elder abuse in our society.

Kim Sawchuk, Concordia University
Line Grenier, Université de Montréal

Anne Caines, RECAA

ACT Partners


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Related projects

Ageing and/as Enduring

Ageing and/as Enduring: Discussing with “Turtles [that] don’t die of old age”

“Turtles do not die of old age” (Films de la tortue, 2010) is a documentary film that examines the everyday life of three elderly men in northern Morocco: Chehma, a former fisherman, Erradi a solitary innkeeper, and Abdesslam, a travelling musician.  The film’s producers, Hind Benchekroun and Sami Mermer give voice to these men as they slowly go about their activities, reflecting on life, death, and ageing.  They don’t do so by simply standing behind the camera to film these subjects  and to record their testimonies. As 24 Images critic Serge Abiaad (2011) argues, they film “with” the participants.

Read more


How do Canadians, sixty-five years and older, use cellular telephones? Why do they use them? What are their observations on the shifting landscape of mobile media from their perspective? These questions are at the heart of “seniors and cells,” an interrogation into the way that older Canadians tactically negotiate a variety of barriers to access and make decisions about their media use.

Based on interviews with over three-hundred participants from across the country, seniors and cells includes users often excluded from industry and academic research agendas: the older user.

Forthcoming, 2012 Kim Sawchuk and Barbara Crow, “Remote Grandmothering: Intergenerational Dis/connections and Communications Ecology throughout the Lifecourse,” Guest Editors: Larissa Hjorth and Sun Sun Lim, Feminist Media Studies.

2012 Kim Sawchuk and Barbara Crow, “Seniors, Mobility and Tactical Cell Phone Use,” In Technologies of Mobility in the Americas. (Eds.) Philip Vannini, Lucy Budd, Christian Fisker, Paolo Jiras, New York:  Peter Lang, 2011.

2012 Barbara Crow, Kim Sawchuk and Benjamin Poppinga, “Outside the Laboratory:  Mobile Methods and the User Experience,” wi: journal of mobile media, Spring.

2011 Kim Sawchuk and Barbara Crow, “Pilot Project: Privacy, Communication and Seniors,” Report prepared for PI:  Les Jacobs, York Centre for Public Policy and the Law, “Privacy Rights Mobilization among Marginal Groups:  Fulfilling the Mandate of PIPEDA,” Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 25 pages.

2010 Kim Sawchuk and Barbara Crow, “Talking ‘Costs’: Seniors, Cell Phones and the Personal and Political Economies of Telecommunications in Canada,” Telecommunications Journal of Australia, Vol. 60(4): 55.1-55.11.

2009 Kim Sawchuk and Barbara Crow, “Leave it to Beavers:  Animals, Icons and the Marketing of the Bell Beavers,” In The Nation on Screen. (Eds.) Enric Castelló, Alexander Dhoest and Hugh O’Donnell, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 309-326.

2011 “Maintaining Mobility: Embodiment, Aging, and Tactical Movement,” Mobilities in Motion: New Approaches to Emergent and Future Mobilities, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, March 21-23 and Canadian Communication Studies Association, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, June 1-3.

2011  “New and Old, Young and Old: Aging the Mobile Imaginary,” with Kim Sawchuk, Materialities and Imaginaries, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, February 11-12.

2010  “Seniors and Cells,” with Kim Sawchuk, Cultures of Movement: Mobile Subjects, Communities, and Technologies in the Americas, Royal Roads University, April, 8-10.

2010  “Seniors, Mobility and Tactical Cell Phone Use,” with Kim Sawchuk, DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media, OISE, University of Toronto, November 12.

2010    “Into the Grey Zone: Seniors, Cell Phones and Milieus that Matter,” with Kim Sawchuk. Observing the Mobile User Experience, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop held in Conjunction with NordiCHI, Rekjavik University, Rekjavik, Iceland, October 17.

ACT Partners
York University
Concordia University


Project updates

Related projects

MemorySpace: Private Memories, Public Histories

How do we remember and commemorate the history of a neighbourhood? How might the personal memories of locations, captured in personal photographs, intersect with the histories of public spaces? How might we use these questions to create, with a community of seniors, a set of workshops that not only promote digital literacy but also build a collaborative curatorial project? These are the questions that formed the core of the participatory media project and public exhibition entitled MemorySpace: Private Memories, Public Histories.

The 2012 MemorySpace project, which included a series of workshops and a public exhibition, was a collaboration between the Montreal’s Mobile Media Lab (MML) with the Atwater Library and Computer Centre (ALCC).

MemorySpace mobilized the creative energies of senior citizens through a collective, curatorial process. The project provided an opportunity for seniors to acquire or build on digital skills that they deemed important: scanning, preserving, emailing and organizing photographs. The project involved three stages. In the first stage, seniors participated in a series of workshops where they learned to scan and preserve photographic images. Over 32 older adults participated in this first set of workshops. In the second phase of the project, participants were invited back to engage in a collaborative, curatorial process. Together, we organized the image-collections into slide shows. In the third phase, we worked together to co-curate an exhibit based on the collections of personal photographs.

Our main target audience was the community involved with the ALCC. Seniors in particular took an active role as workshop participants and co-curators of the public exhibition, which was held from September 20, 2012 – October 7, 2012.

The Atwater Library itself has a fascinating history connected to its location. Housed in a heritage building near the corner of Ste-Catherine and Atwater Avenue, it sits at the intersection of several diverse neighbourhoods. These include: downtown Montreal, Little Burgundy, St Henri, and Westmount. Originally founded as the Montreal Mechanics’ Institute in 1828, the Atwater Library has provided vocational training and library services for over 180 years. As a non-profit, member-supported library, it continues to serve patrons of diverse ages and economic and cultural backgrounds, including seniors, new immigrants, and refugees. In recruiting participants for MemorySpace, we drew upon both the library’s e-newsletter and its waiting lists for future workshops for seniors.

Through the curatorial workshops (the third phase), seven participants worked together to create an exhibit that would display personal photographs and stories. Upon completion of the workshops, a two-week public exhibition was held. It included four integrated components: (1) large scale projections out of the windows of the library, which attracted the attention of the public; (2) a robust website that was collaboratively produced with the workshop participants. The website shared life stories that contextualized the photographs (3) a touchscreen that exhibited the entire collections of each participant; (4) a collection of objects and momentos that was curated by workshop participants. The exhibition opening attracted over 200 visitors.

The project successfully enhanced Digital Literacy for seniors. More specifically, it enhanced literacy in the context of creative collaboration and inter-generational connections between members of the team. The larger theoretical goal was to work with the concept of how photography and memory work together. Methodologically, the challenge was to create a community-based public art project that could draw on PAR’s goals to empower communities through action. It was also a way to think through research-creation in a community context.

Kim Sawchuk

Research Assistants
Arwen Fleming
Kendra Besanger
Antonia Hérnandez

ACT Partners
Concordia University
Atwater Library


Office of the Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies, Concordia University

The Active Ageing, Mobile Technologies Research Network: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

The Concordia University Research Chair in Mobile Media Studies

Graphics, Animation, New Media, Design, NCE, Centres of Excellence

FQRSC, Mediatopias, “soutien aux équipes de recherche”

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‘It’s my choice’

Mobile telephony is the most widespread information and communication technology (ITC) and follows the same trend as other ICTs: those who show typically slower rates of adoption are older individuals. It is relevant, therefore, to explore the motivations and reasons that seniors have for not-adopting or adopting mobile telephony.

To do this, I focus on two cities: Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) and Los Angeles (CA, USA). In Catalonia, up to 95% of the average population are mobile users, while among seniors the figure drops to 82% (age 65-74; Idescat, 2011). In the USA, the percentage of mobile users is 85% for the average population and 68% for seniors between 66 and 74 (Zickuhr,2011). In a context where this technology is so widely used, those who ‘opt out’ are often put into a position where they need to justify their decision. These people often face social pressures to be “reachable” by their mobile phones in the same way others are.

In 2010 and 2011, semi-structured interviews were conducted with both mobile users and non-users. Within this non-probabilistic sample, a majority of individuals were mobile users, and 11 individuals out of 73 were non users.

Among non-users, some people had never owned a cell phone and others gave their phone up at a certain point. The goal of this analysis is not to put forward recommendations for increasing mobile subscription among older people, but to understand personal choices regarding this specific technology. I approach this analysis by taking into account that, nowadays, not having a cell phone in the two studied cities might mean the person without the phone has taken a firm stance on the issue.

Idescat (2011): ICT equipment and use in homes 2011. Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat). (05/05/2012).
Zickuhr, K. (2011): Generations and their gadgets 2011, Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. (02/04/2012).

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol
Lidia Arroyo Prieto
Daniel Blanche Tarragó

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