Mireia Fernández-Ardèveol, who is visiting the Université de Montréal from the Open University of Catalonia, is giving a public lecture on September 13, 2019.

This keynote presentation reviews empirical evidence on the intersection of older age and mobile communication from a non-patronizing perspective. It examines the ways heterogeneous groups of older individuals appropriate mobile devices, the meanings of these uses, and the paramount role of the mobile phone.

By acknowledging the heterogeneity often hidden in under the label “old age,” this presentation identifies the challenges faced in research to achieving a richer and more complex analysis of a networked society at different stages of later life. There is a need for critical analytical frameworks able to move beyond rooted and invisible ageist prejudices which will help achieve more nuanced and precise understandings of the place of mobile communication in later life.

Friday, September 13, 1pm Université de Montréal Carrefour des arts et des sciences, local C-1017-02

Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
3150, rue Jean-Brillant Montréal (Québec) H3T 1N8

Call for contributors

ACT members Barbara Crow and Lisa Carver are co-editing a book titled Hacking Your Age: Technology and Ageing or Ageing Technology. They currently have 10 contributors are are open to including a few more chapters (6,500-10,000 words). If you’re interested in contributing, be aware that the deadline for submissions is fast approaching! Drafts need to be emailed to Lisa at 4lfc@queensu.ca for review by the end of October, as they intend to submit their manuscript to McGill-Queen’s by December 2019!


Please see below a description of the work, as provided by the co-editors:


“This edited collection critically examines the relentless march towards a technological future from multiple perspectives. Authors who have committed to this project are from the disciplines of sociology, philosophy, communications, surveillance, medicine and religion. Their diverse backgrounds bring intersectional perspectives to the journey of aging in this technological age. We ask: what is/will be the impacts of technology be on older adult bodies, their well-being, their safety and their experience of meaning and purpose? We also explore the risks to older adults from novel and intended surveillance technology, body modification and the internet of things (IoT). And, we ask what are the intersectional, social justice and equity issues? The themes included in the book represent major issues of our aging journey: the body and its modification; communication, privacy, and surveillance; gerontechnology and aging in place; and technology and information gathering.”

Research assistantships at Concordia University

ACT and engAGE are looking to a number graduate students as part of the organization of B/OLD: Aging in our city. We are looking specifically for people with experience in one or more of the following areas.

Event coordination: Ability to assist in event organization. Experience organizing events at Concordia and bilingualism are assets.

Facilitation: Experience facilitating workshops with small groups and interest in working with the public. Strong interpersonal communication skills and bilingualism are required.

Knowledge dissemination: Ability to develop digital content, including video, audio and photography. Strong English writing skills. Strong interpersonal communication skills and ability to conduct interviews are needed. Bilingualism is an asset.

Salaries are commensurate with TRAC rates. Contracts range from 5 to 10 weekly hours, with increased workload as we get closer to the event (May 16-17). Interested candidates should send a brief cover letter and a CV to me (constance.lafontaine@concordia.ca) at their earliest convenience.

Job opening: Communication coordinator

***Thank you to all applicants, this position has been filled***


Ageing + Communication + Technologies (ACT) is an international research project based at Concordia University, examining the transformation of the experiences of ageing with the proliferation of new forms of mediated communications in networked societies. ACT works with over 30 partners internationally, and works closely with community organizations in Montreal. In addition, we are currently co-organizing a major event in May 2019 called B/OLD: Aging in our city.

We are seeking a self-driven and dynamic communication professional to undertake major components of the outreach, communication and knowledge mobilization for both the B/OLD event and the ACT project.

 20 hours a week, limited term contract (4 months)
Salary: $25-$28/hour, depending on experience

 Main tasks

  • Make recommendations to B/OLD organization committee or ACT management about communication priorities and opportunities.
  • Implement all components of external and internal communication plan for B/OLD, including media relations and community outreach.
  • Working with a team that includes a translator and designer, coordinate the production of digital and print communication materials in both French and English.
  • Develop content, a newsletter, and manage web and social media presence.
  • Assist in miscellaneous tasks as needed, including administrative tasks.

Competencies and skills

  • Excellent ability to communicate in English and strong writing skills. The ability to understand, speak and write in French is a strong asset for this position.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office, MailChimp and WordPress. Experience in graphic design and sound and video editing is an asset.
  • Ability to quickly integrate a new work environment, to independently acquire new skills and to work within a team.
  • Availability to work flexible hours, with an increased workload in April and May 2019.
  • An interest in age/aging, community engagement, and digital technologies is an asset.

Please send cover letter and CV to Constance Lafontaine (constance.lafontaine@concordia.ca).

October 26: Live stream of “Ageing, the digital and everyday life”

On Friday, October 26th 2018 join us for the live stream of Ageing, the Digital and Everyday Life, a one day seminar held at Brunel University London in the United Kingdom. The stream begins at 10:30am BST. 

The speakers are an interdisciplinary group of academics and researchers from the arts, the social sciences and Science and Technology Studies (STS) and include both members of the ACT partnership, and wider international colleagues whose work focuses on ageing, the digital and everyday life. The seminar will provide an opportunity to examine and review the study of ageing, the digital and everyday life from a wide range of perspectives and to critically explore future challenges and possibilities. The seminar is organized by Wendy Martin (Brunel University London) and Paul Higgs (University College London).

A full programme is available here.

ACT members will appear at CRTC hearings on October 23, 2018

Kim Sawchuk, Anne Caines, and Kendra Besanger will travel to Gatineau, QC to participate in the CRTC’s public hearing on Canadian telecommunication companies’ aggressive and misleading sales tactics.

ACT will present findings from their recent report, Experiences of Older Adults with Abusive Sales Practices of Canadian Telecommunication Providers.

Read more about the full intervention here.

Expanding our understanding of activism(s) by sharing stories of older activists

In their recently released book, Unsettling Activisms: Critical Interventions on Aging, Gender, and Social Change (Women’s Press, 2018), editors May Chazan, Melissa Baldwin, and Patricia Evans present compelling reasons why our common perceptions of activisms and activists need to be expanded; specifically, expanded to include the work of older women activists.

Creating spaces for dialogue and critical exploration at GUSEGG 2018

Each year in July, GUSEGG provides a unique opportunity for professors and students from around the world to explore new ideas and dive into challenging topics. It is intensive, personal, intimate, and distinct from a typical university setting. Students and professors learn together from early morning until late evening in a setting where critical thought and challenging conversations extend beyond the walls of the classroom.