I.M.A.G.in.E  is a research project that explores maker culture through an intergenerational perspective.

A series of “maker” workshops will bring together seniors and youth together to explore and push the innovative and creative boundaries of technologies. There are three threads in our project: making, art, and gaming. Participants of all ages will use these workshops to develop “maker” and artistic prototypes and digital fabrications which will be shared and showcased. Digital “making” collaborators may integrate textiles, small and affordable computer boards, sensors, Internet connections, and robotics to solve personal challenges or create interactive installations. Projects may incorporate storytelling, life history, memory-based, bricolage, art, teaching, etc.

In upcoming workshops, we will ask the following questions:

What contributions are made from each collaborator? What is the nature of these interactions? How are participants’ contributions related to age? What learning experiences and changes in problem-solving approaches and self-efficacy arise from such interactions for each collaborator and in what areas do these changes occur? What can we learn about the impact of intergenerational collaborations on learning, agency, and quality of life?

Giuliana Cucinelli, Assistant Professor, Educational Technology Program, Department of Education, Concordia University

Ann-Louise Davidson, Associate Professor, Educational Technology Program, Department of Education, Concordia University

Margarida Romero, Assistant Professor, Educational Technologies, Univerity of Laval in Quebec

Research Assistants

David Price, PhD student, Department of Education

Tristan Matheson, MA student, Educational Technology


SSHRC (Insight Grant)

Concordia Office of the Vice-President

Research and Graduate Studies (OVPRGS) SEED funding

Research Areas

Agency in Ageing; Critical mediations; Telecommunication Technologies

ACT Partners
Concordia University

Universite de Laval

Project updates


We hosted a mini-maker event on November 3, 2016 as part of Media Literacy week across Canada. The event was held at Millieux, at Concordia University. screen-shot-2016-11-11-at-6-12-16-pm

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