Fannie Valois-Nadeau on Digitizing and Biographizing Léo Gravelle

Fannie Valois-Nadeau, a Queen’s University Postdoctoral Fellow affiliated with ACT, has recently presented in Dr. Line Grenier’s Master’s seminar Mémoire, médias et pouvoir (Memory, Media and Power). Her presentation was titled “Numériser et biographiser Léo Gravelle” (Digitizing and Biographing Léo Gravelle). More information on Valois-Nadeau’s research on the former Montreal Canadiens hockey player is available here.

Line Grenier presented at CEFAN on Ageing and Singing in Public

On October 10, 2014, Line Grenier of the Université de Montréal presented at CEFAN (Chaire des études francophones en Amérique du Nord). The theme of this year’s conference was speech in the city. Her presentation was titled “La musique populaire en action: Chanter et vieillir en public” (Popular Music in Action: Signing and Ageing in Public).