News from RECAA

There are many new things going on over at Respecting Elders: Communities Against Abuse (RECAA). RECAA has recently launched a new website ( and a newsletter. The group is also presenting a theatrical event in Montreal on June 13th to celebrate its 10th anniversary and to recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The event is titled We Are Old! We Are Wonderful! More information about the event is available here or in the Events section of our website.

Dr. Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol completes a case study series

Co-director of the A C M Network Dr. Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol from the IN3-UOC in Barcelona has recently published two papers about the use (and non-use) patterns of mobile telephony performed by elderly people in two cities: one in Toronto, and another one in Montevideo (Uruguay). These two publications complete a case study series carried out in different contexts in the last two years; Los Angeles and Barcelona are the other cases under examination.

For the Barcelona paper, look for the following reference:

Fernández-Ardèvol, M, Arroyo L.  2012.  Mobile telephony and older people: Exploring use and rejection. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture. 3(1):9-24.

For a recent publication by Dr. Fernández-Ardèvol related to this topic, see the following link:

Fernández-Ardèvol, M.  2012.  Missed calls: Barcelona and Los Angeles compared. Technology & Emerging Media Track – Annual Conference of the Canadian Communication Association (Waterloo, May 30 -June 1, 2012). Watterloo, Ontario: Canadian Communication Association.