Executive Meeting- ACM- Eugene Loos

The ACM Executive will meet with Professor Eugene Loos, who is currently being hosted by Dr. Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol at the IN3 (April 10-13) on Friday, April 12, 2013. The meeting will be a follow-up session to assess the “virtual seminar” experiment and to discuss future collaborations.

12 pm Montreal/Toronto time

6 pm Barcelona

2 am Kuala Lumpur

Kendra Besanger wins SSHRC Storytellers Contest for her story on the A-C-M

Congratulations to Kendra Besanger, a Research Assistant at the Mobile Media Lab, Concordia for her prize-winning three minute story on the work being done by the A-C-M. Kendra submitted a short podcast as a part of this SSHRC competition “Research for a Better Life” and was selected as one of  the twenty-five winners from across Canada. She will be attending Congress in Victoria, June 2-3, 2013 to receive her award and to attend a special session on research organized by SSHRC.

SSHRC is releasing the winning submissions on a weekly basis. Kendra’s submission will be available for listening on April 9, 2013 here.