CBC News Article about Seniors and Social Media
CBC news posted an article about seniors and social media, discussing some potential benefits on online communication on ageing populations.
CBC news posted an article about seniors and social media, discussing some potential benefits on online communication on ageing populations.
The ACM Executive will meet with Professor Eugene Loos, who is currently being hosted by Dr. Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol at the IN3 (April 10-13) on Friday, April 12, 2013. The meeting will be a follow-up session to assess the “virtual seminar” experiment and to discuss future collaborations.
12 pm Montreal/Toronto time
6 pm Barcelona
2 am Kuala Lumpur
Congratulations to Kendra Besanger, a Research Assistant at the Mobile Media Lab, Concordia for her prize-winning three minute story on the work being done by the A-C-M. Kendra submitted a short podcast as a part of this SSHRC competition “Research for a Better Life” and was selected as one of the twenty-five winners from across Canada. She will be attending Congress in Victoria, June 2-3, 2013 to receive her award and to attend a special session on research organized by SSHRC.
SSHRC is releasing the winning submissions on a weekly basis. Kendra’s submission will be available for listening on April 9, 2013 here.
There is a post on the SocioTramas blog written about the research done by Dr. Barbara Crow and Dr. Kim Sawchuk. It has been written by Maria Collier de Mendonca, a Ph.D. student at York University.