Network Mini-Meeting 5

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol @ Concordia University

Communication Studies, Concordia University, Montreal,  Jan 12- Jan 19, 2012. As a follow-up to the research conducted in Toronto in May 2012, Mireia was a researcher in residence at the Mobile Media Lab, Montreal for one week. Her visit was oriented towards the production of a jointly authored paper.

Line Grenier, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, and Kim Sawchuk working on the article during the Montreal Network Meeting.

Line Grenier, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, and Kim Sawchuk working on the article during the Montreal Network Meeting.

Barbara Crow and Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol working on the article during the Montreal Network Meeting.

Barbara Crow and Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol working on the article during the Montreal Network Meeting.

Notes from the meeting

Network Meeting 4

IN3, Open University, Barcelona, October, 2012.

Symposium 4, Barcelona, October 17th, 2012

Meeting 4, Barcelona Oct. 2012

Zotero workshop day, oganized by  Daniel Blanche Tarragó, during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Zotero workshop day, oganized by
Daniel Blanche Tarragó, during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Daniel Blanche Tarragó leading the Zotero workshop for the ACM team.

Daniel Blanche Tarragó leading the Zotero workshop for the ACM team.


Daniel Blanche Tarragó leading the Zotero workshop for the ACM team.

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Kim Sawchuk giving an introduction before the symposium during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Kim Sawchuk giving an introduction before the symposium during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol's giving opening remarks during the symposium at the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol giving opening remarks during the symposium at the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Kim presenting at the symposium during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Kim presenting at the symposium during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Line Grenier presenting at the symposium during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Line Grenier presenting at the symposium during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Barbara Crow presenting at the symposium during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Barbara Crow presenting at the symposium during the Barcelona Network Meeting.

Network Meeting 3

Mobile Media Lab, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University, May 2012.

Symposium 3, Toronto, May 27, 2012

Meeting 3, Toronto May, 2012

CCA Abstracts 2012-ACM Panel

Mireia Fernández Ardèvol presenting at the symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol presenting at the symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Line Grenier presenting at the symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Line Grenier presenting at the symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Chui Yin presenting at the Symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Chui Yin Wong presenting at the Symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Chui Yin Wong presents at the Symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Chui Yin Wong listening during the Symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Barbara Crow listening during the symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Barbara Crow listening during the symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Sophie Guérin presenting at the Symposium during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Sophie Guérin presenting at the Symposium, May 29th, 2012, during the Toronto Network Meeting.

Kim Sawchuk introducing the ACM panel at the CCA.

Kim Sawchuk introducing the ACM panel at the CCA.

Mireia Fernández Ardèvol presenting at the CCA.

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol presenting at the CCA.

Barbara Crow presenting at the CCA.

Barbara Crow presenting at the CCA.

Chui Yin Wong presenting at the CCA.

Chui Yin Wong presenting at the CCA.

Line Grenier presenting at the CCA.

Line Grenier presenting at the CCA.

Kim Sawchuk after the CCA panel.

Kim Sawchuk after the CCA panel.