Call for Papers- Differential Mobilities

The Mobile Media Lab in the Communication Studies Department at Concordia University in Montreal will be hosting a conference entitled “Differential Mobilities: Movement and Mediation in Networked Societies.”  The conference will be held in Montreal from May 8th-13th, 2013.
The deadline for abstracts is November 21st, 2012.

For a full call for papers and more information about the conference, click here.

CFP: Mobile Communications 10th Anniversary Pre-Conference Workshop

The Mobile Communications 10th Anniversary Pre-Conference Workshop has issued a call for papers for their workshop to be held from June 16th-17th, 2013 at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Media and Communications Department.

A 250-500 word abstract and 50 word bio are due by November 16th, 2012 and should be sent to

For a full call for papers and more information, click here.