Martine Lagacé holds a PhD in Psychology as well as an undergraduate Degree in communication. She currently serves as Full Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Ottawa and is associated with the School of Psychology. Her research expertise focuses on ageism, precisely the manifestations and impact of ageist stereotypes and discrimination in different social settings such as the workplace, healthcare, public discourse (including social media discourse). She has published two books on the issue of ageism : Comprendre et changer le regard sur le vieillissement (2010) and Représentations et discours sur le vieillissement (2015), both published at Les Presses de l’Université Laval. She is currently conducting a study among Canadian older hospital patients focusing on perceptions of assistive device technologies as well as day to day communication in the context of care transitions.

  • ACT projects

    • Cross-National Longitudinal Study: older audiences in the digital media environment